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L.C. Smith

I love reading, which is why I'm a writer. I live in New Zealand, close to both the ocean and the mountains. In my spare time I love to play tennis really badly, try and grow things in my tiny garden and eat toffeepops.

Falling is a love story about Reid, who after the death of her parents in a car accident when she was eleven, gained the ability to jump into peoples bodies. Not a single person knows her secret, not her only friend Sara and especially not Keller. The problem is, every time she looks into her eyes, she starts to fall into him.

“Love is a funny thing; there’s the kind that’s like you’re five and you’re looking up at your Mum’s face as she reads you a bedtime story.Then there’s the kind that makes you nervous and twists in your stomach.Then there’s the kind that makes you feel like you’re holding everything of worth in your hands.”
L.C. Smith
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