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Leander Kahney

Leander Kahney is managing editor, formerly a senior reporter at Wired News, the online sister publication of Wired. He is the author of The Cult of Mac , Cult of iPod and Inside Steve's Brain. Kahney is best known for his popular blog, Cult of Mac (The Cult of Mac Blog). As a prominent writer on Apple- and Mac-related topics, Kahney was once theorized (incorrectly) to be the identity of Fake Steve Jobs.

Leander has worked for many other publications, including: MacWeek, as a senior reporter, Scientific American, The Observer and The Guardian in London. Working as a newspaper reporter in the UK, he covered amongst other things, the war in former Yugoslavia.

According to Gawker.com, Leander Kahney has been laid off from Wired.COM.

He is currently living in San Francisco, California and is a father of four.

“Estou procurando um lugar que precise de muitas reformas e consertos, mas que tenha fundações sólidas. Estou disposto a demolir paredes, construir pontes e acender fogueiras. Tenho uma grande experiência, um monte de energia, um pouco dessa coisa de ‘visão’ e não tenho medo de começar do zero. - Steve Jobs”
Leander Kahney
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“Someone started taking notes, Steve said, 'You don't need to takes notes. If it's important, you'll remember it'.”
Leander Kahney
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