I have always used writing as an outlet and comfort in my life. In addition, I attribute a large chunk of my learning in life to reading books. I love the way books allow you to get right into the feeling, the experience, the skill or the information you desire at the time. I call it reading with a purpose, to gain value from the exchange between words on paper, the author and the reader. I write with the desire to enhance the lives which I come in contact with through my writing. I want you to think and ponder, and probably consider something you never thought of or never knew of before. It always fascinates me how an investment of hours reading a book has the potential to have such far reaching positive impact on someone's life. It is this which motivates me to continue writing and sharing, and delivering books which hopefully improve lives in some way.
“Your inner Belly Dancer...is your inner sensuality, your highest feminity, your great esteemed self made more apparent.”
“It's the soul's eye which stares at your beauty and knows you well. And from it's vantage point you're as visible as a sunny day”
“What tickles the soul, makes all the world well again”