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Leila Guerriero

Leila Guerriero is an Argentinian journalist. She began her career in 1991, as an editor with the magazine Página/30, part of the Argentine newspaper Página/12. Since then her texts have appeared in various publications across Latin America and Europe: La Nación and Rolling Stone, in Argentina; El País, Altaïr and Jot Down, in Spain; Piauí, in Brazil; Leopard, in Mexico; L’Internazionale, in Italy, among others. She is the author of many books, including Los suicidas del fin del mundo (Tusquets, 2004); Frutos extraños (2009, Aguilar, Alfaguara); Una historia sencilla (2013, Anagram); and La Otra Guerra (2021, Anagram). She has received the CEMEX + FNPI New Journalism Award, González-Ruano Prize, Blue Metropolis Grand Prix and Manuel Vázquez Montalbán International Journalism Award. She is the Latin American editor for Gatopardo magazine, and works as a teacher at the Gabo Foundation, founded by Gabriel García Márquez. Her work has been translated into English, French, German, Swedish, Portuguese, Italian and Polish.

“... la alegría infantil de sumergirse en una conversación inesperada con un completo desconocido para descubrirse, horas después -y bajo toneladas hipercalóricas de "¿leíste a tal?". "¡Sí! ¿Y leíste a tal?". "¡Sí! ¿Y leíste a tal?"-, pensando que ése, sí, es el comienzo de una gran amistad.”
Leila Guerriero
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