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Lemony Snicket

Lemony Snicket had an unusual education and a perplexing youth and now endures a despondent adulthood. His previous published works include the thirteen volumes in A Series of Unfortunate Events, The Composer is Dead, and 13 Words. His new series is All The Wrong Questions.

For A Series of Unfortunate Events:


For All The Wrong Questions:


“I’m reminded of a book my father used to read me,” she said. “A bunch of elves and things get into a huge war over a piece of jewelry that everybody wants but nobody can wear.”
Lemony Snicket
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“The moths were fluttering all over the sign at the desk that read DASHIELL QWERTY, SUB-LIBRARIAN. He was younger than I think of librarians as being, younger than the father of anyone I knew, and he had the hairstyle one gets if one is attacked by a scissors-carrying maniac and lives to tell the tale.”
Lemony Snicket
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“Stretched out in front of me was my time as an adult, and then a skeleton, and then nothing except perhaps a few books on a few shelves.”
Lemony Snicket
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“But the world did not match the picture in my head, and instead I was with a strange, uncombed person, overlooking a sea without water and a forest without trees.”
Lemony Snicket
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“It is very difficult to make one's way in this world without being wicked at one time or another, when the world's way is so wicked to being with.”
Lemony Snicket
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“They were almond cookies, although they could have been made of spinach and shoes for all I cared. I ate eleven of them, right in a row. It is rude to take the last cookie.”
Lemony Snicket
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“If you don’t care about something, one way to demonstrate your feelings is to say the word and then repeat the word with the letters S-C-H-M replacing the first letters. Somebody who didn’t care about dentists, for instance could say ‘Dentist, schmentists.”
Lemony Snicket
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“That night was a dark day. Of course, all nights are dark days, because night is simply a badly lit version of day, ...”
Lemony Snicket
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“Various parts of my body told me that in the future they would appreciate it if I slept lying down on a bed instead of sitting at the counter of Black Cat Coffee. I quietly reassured them that this was an unusual situation, and had the machinery make me some bread as a breakfast.”
Lemony Snicket
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“I'm S. Theodora Markson," she said."I'm Lemony Snicket," I said, and handed her an envelope I had in my Pocket. Inside was something we called a letter of introduction, just a few paragraphs describing me as somebody who was an excellent reader, a good cook, a mediocre musician and an awful quarreler.”
Lemony Snicket
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“There are two good reasons to put your napkin in your lap. One is that food might spill in your lap, and it is better to stain the napkin than your clothing. The other is that it can serve as a perfect hiding place. Practically nobody is nosey enough to take the napkin off a lap to see what is hidden there.”
Lemony Snicket
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“Some people think destiny is something you cannot escape, such as death or a curdled cheesecake, both of which always turn up sooner or later.”
Lemony Snicket
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“It is likely I will die next to a pile of things I was meaning to read.”
Lemony Snicket
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“He who hesitates is lost”
Lemony Snicket
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“What you don't read is often as important as what you do read.”
Lemony Snicket
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“This story is about the Baudelaires. And they are the sort of people who know that there’s always something. Something to invent, something to read, something to bite, and something to do, to make a sanctuary, no matter how small. And for this reason, I am happy to say, the Baudelaires were very fortunate indeed.”
Lemony Snicket
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“Literature doesn’t exactly have a strong mental-health track record.”
Lemony Snicket
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“They say in every library there is a single book that can answer the question that burns like a fire in the mind.”
Lemony Snicket
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“Don’t repeat yourself. It’s not only repetitive, it’s redundant, and people have heard it before.”
Lemony Snicket
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“Knowing that something is wrong and doing it anyway happens very often in life, and I doubt I will ever know why.”
Lemony Snicket
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“A mystery is solved with a story.”
Lemony Snicket
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“The library was one enormous room, with long, high metal shelves and the perfect quiet that libraries provide for anyone looking for an answer.”
Lemony Snicket
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“It is very easy to say that the important thing is to try your best, but if you are in real trouble the most important thing is not trying your best, but getting to safety.”
Lemony Snicket
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“I think we'll always miss our parents. But I think we can miss them without being miserable all the time. After all, they wouldn't want us to be miserable.”
Lemony Snicket
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“The worst surroundings in the world can be tolerated if the people in them are interesting and kind.”
Lemony Snicket
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“In this book, not only is there no happy ending, there is no happy beginning and very few happy things in the middle.”
Lemony Snicket
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“Just because you don't understand something doesn't mean that it's nonsense.”
Lemony Snicket
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“It is one of the peculiar truths of life that people often say things that they know full well are ridiculous.”
Lemony Snicket
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“Never, under any circumstances, let the Virginian wolfsnake near a typewriter.”
Lemony Snicket
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“Tears are curious things, for like earthquakes or puppet shows, they can occur at any time, without any warning and without any good reason.”
Lemony Snicket
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“The manager frowned, as if the middle Baudelaire had given him the wrong answer.That's the rooftop bathing salon," he said. "People who sunbathe aren't usually interested in library science, so they're not picky about the salon's location. Now get moving!”
Lemony Snicket
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“There is no way of knowing for sure whether or not you can trust someone, for the simple reason that circumstances change all of the time.”
Lemony Snicket
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“For Beatrice-When we were together I felt breathless.Now you are.”
Lemony Snicket
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“Every time you enter a library you might say to yourself, "The world is quiet here," as a sort of pledge proclaiming reading to be the greater good.”
Lemony Snicket
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“It is easy to decide on what is wrong to wear to a party, such as deep-sea diving equipment or a pair of large pillows, but deciding what is right is much trickier.”
Lemony Snicket
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“Every problem has a solution. Sometimes it just takes a long time to find the solution -- even if it's right in front of your nose.”
Lemony Snicket
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“Besides getting several paper cuts in the same day or receiving the news that someone in your family has betrayed you to your enemies, one of the most unpleasant experiences in life is a job interview.”
Lemony Snicket
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“There are some things we might not know, but that doesn't mean we should give up. We can find out what we need to know. We can find out everything”
Lemony Snicket
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“In times of extreme stress, one can often find energy hidden in even the most exhausted areas of the body.”
Lemony Snicket
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“I will love you as misfortune loves orphans, as fire loves innocence, and as justice loves to sit and watch while everything goes wrong.”
Lemony Snicket
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“Summer seems so cold without you, winter is even colder.”
Lemony Snicket
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“It is true, of course, that there is no way of knowing for sure whether or not you can trust someone, for the simple reason that circumstances change all of the time. You might know someone for several years, for instance, and trust him completely as your friend, but circumstances could change and he could become very hungry, and before you knew it you could be boiling in a soup pot, because there is no way of knowing for sure.”
Lemony Snicket
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“I didn't realize this was a sad occasion.”
Lemony Snicket
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“First impressions are often entirely wrong.”
Lemony Snicket
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“There are many things in life that become different if you take a long look at them.”
Lemony Snicket
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“Troublesome things tend to remain troublesome no matter how many times you do them.”
Lemony Snicket
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“If everyone fought fire with fire, the whole world would go up in smoke.”
Lemony Snicket
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“It doesn't take courage to kill someone,' Klaus said. 'It takes a severe lack of moral stamina.”
Lemony Snicket
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“For Beatrice, I cherished, you perished,The world's been nightmarished.”
Lemony Snicket
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“An Overall Feeling of Doom that One Cannot Ever Escape no Matter What One Does”
Lemony Snicket
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