I have worn identity labels as model, actor, singer, songwriter, artist, poet, mother and wife, all of which were superseded in the moment I remembered who I really AM. I never really liked labels anyway... they have a tendency to stick.
I’ve always considered myself a researcher of Truth. Way back to my childhood I could never accept the explanations I was given to life’s big questions. I just never bought into the “it’s just the way it is” mentality. Somewhere deep inside the core of my being so much didn’t resonate with Truth.
In my late twenties the hinges on Pandora’s Box started to rattle and by my mid thirties the box exploded with amongst other things a spontaneous psychic awakening. Approaching my mid-life point and four kids later the Universe decided to serve me up a tidal wave guaranteed to shake and turn my perceived reality upside down. The time had arrived for me to confront every program I had in place. One by one the veils started to lift and I felt lighter and free. Finally all my questions were being answered and a new exciting chapter began.
The journey is exhilarating and challenging and continues each day that passes. To say I’m in awe is an understatement. Observing the perfection of all that is, leaves me with wide eyed wonder. The inter-connectedness of all life forces one to look closely at each action and consciously start making choices for the highest good of all.
Everything is perfect and as it should be, has been my mantra over the last ten years... As you can see I have no letters after my name or recognised qualifications that place me on a pedestal so I can deliver a message from a higher vantage point than you. That I believe is deliberate, for I am you and you are me and my intention in all I do and share is to unify not separate.
I came into the world the same year that Walt Disney exited, the Sound of Music won the Oscar for best picture and the Earth’s population had exceeded 3.4 billion people. After an agonising 48 hour struggle down the birth canal I thought here I go again, Planet Earth!...hmmm what a ride this is going to be.. I was right!
“Instead of seeing life as a journey, see it as though you’ve arrived...”
“I honour all the wisdom keepers that dare to speak a truth much larger than the human reasoning mind can understand...”
“THIS IS THE PARADOX...Being fearless is scary...as you embrace the calling of your heart you are stripped of all false comfort often left with very little other than the light of your soul guiding you towards the doorway of truth...you may arrive naked and hungry but you WILL arrive to that place called KNOWING....”
“Falling apart and being dismantled is an awesome opportunity to come together as a faster upgraded version of yourself...”
“As wonderful as it is to be able to hear your song, sometimes it's nice to just stop, turn your volume down and listen to the music of another...harmonies are born in these moments...”
“I have observed the more insecure and wounded one is, the bigger the identity one creates!”
“Sometimes our wings are ripped off only so we can grow bigger, stronger ones that take us higher than we've been before...”
“When we expand our perception of this awesome planet and universe, human drama becomes so insignificant!”
“Words are subject to interpretation, energy isn't....”
“When you understand the perfection in "your story" you can stop telling it!...until then you will tell your story to anyone that will listen...”
“I have been all things, black and white ,short and tall, rich and poor, orphaned, homeless, ostracized, Gay, Asian, Jewish , Moslem, ridiculed and ridiculous ,laughed at, admired, worshipped, burnt at the stake, murdered and a murderer, sick and healthy, right and wrong and the list goes on and on...Accessing all that in our cellular memory how can one feel anything but love for all, since we are one and all!”
“Instead of looking for the rainbow...paint it yourself..”
“In a space devoid of ego you can feel the breath of God...”
“Sometimes silence is the best response...Shhh, can you hear that?...Golden....”
“-Love is so much easier than the alternative...”
“When you can stand in the midst of madness and be at peace...you’re onto something...”
“There comes a time when you have to step into your mastery and trust that the divine intelligence that fueled the hearts and minds we quote and look to for inspiration is the same divine intelligence driving each and every one of us...”
“Always remain open..Just when you are convinced something is red, it starts turning blue...”
“Five sensory perception is SO 2008...”
“When you feel as though you’re drowning, don’t resist, surrender to that sinking feeling and that’s when you will feel the wings of angels bringing you back to the surface.”
“There is a prison that we all have to break free from...It’s called I, ME, MY, MINE!”
“Those that are worthy of your attention do not scream out loud and proclaim to the world how amazing they are. They draw you in gently with a knowing, evident in every step they take. They bow in humility as others see their own greatness in their eyes.”
“It’s never about someone else or something else, that’s the voice of the victim. I’ve learnt to silence him and throw him gagged in the boot of my vehicle...I’m in the driver’s seat...He was a shit driver anyway!”
“In stillness I hear the drums that others can’t My heart beats to their rhythmRelease your fear and dance with meI’ll show you the moves...”
“Layer by layer I removed all I thought I was, all I thought I had to be and in the moment I was left standing naked and vulnerable without identities and labels, I remembered, I AM THAT I AM....”
“I am grateful that I don’t rely on my eyes to seeI feel you in the darkest momentsYou are the gentle breeze caressing my neckWhispering... do not buy into the illusion”
“Some will see your flame and want to blow it out...others will approach with a candle...”
“Sometimes what we perceive as a tragedy is really the most precious gift wrapped in really crappy paper.”
“When two souls connect in recognition, the entire world goes silent.”