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Leonard Scheff

Leonard Scheff is a practicing attorney in Tucson, Arizona -- and a practicing Zen Buddhist.

Leonard has attended several of the public teachings by H.H. the Dalai Lama including the four day workshop in Tucson in 1993, and a more recent 2003 teaching. He has participated in and led numerous Gestalt workshops.

Leonard has created a "Letting Go of Anger" seminar, with input by John Tarrant Roshi, and has taught it since 1993. While Leonard's anger transformation seminar is based on Buddhism through the teachings of the Dalai Lama, he believes these same principles are universal in all spiritual traditions.

Leonard is a graduate of the University of Arizona and Boalt School of Law at Berkeley. He has been a trial and transactional attorney in Tucson, Arizona, for more than fifty years. His primary area of practice has been in advising businesses dealing with complex real estate transactions. In addition, he has been active in litigation involving civil liberties and social justice.

He is a former president and life member of the Board of Directors of the Jewish Federation of Southern Arizona. He was a founder and on the board of Arizona Friends of Tibet, the organization responsible for bringing the Dalai Lama to Tucson.

Leonard has advised numerous non-profit corporations including the Campus Christian Center, the Pima County Sheriffs Aero Squadron, the American Civil Liberties Foundation, Congregation Chavarim, the Asian Classics Institute of Arizona, the Garchen Institute, Saguaro Juniper, the Bellota Preservation Corporation and the Southwest Wildlife Animal Refuge.

For more than 20 years, he has been a member and legal advisor to the Zen Desert Sangha.

Leonard is the primary author of The Cow in the Parking Lot: A Zen Approach to Overcoming Anger, which has been met with rave reviews and is now licensed in ten languages.

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“When angry, count to Zen.”
Leonard Scheff
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