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Leslie Maitland

Leslie Maitland is a former reporter for the New York Times who specialized in legal affairs and investigative reporting. She joined the Times after graduating from the University of Chicago and the Harvard Divinity School. After breaking stories on the FBI’s undercover “Abscam” inquiry into corruption in Congress, she moved to the New York Times Washington Bureau to cover the Justice Department. After leaving the Times, she began, among other projects, extensive research for this nonfiction book, including five reporting trips to Europe and one to Cuba. She frequently participates in programs discussing literature on the Diane Rehm Show on National Public Radio. The mother of a son and a daughter, Maitland now lives with her husband in Bethesda, Maryland.

Leslie is on the web at LeslieMaitland.com and on Facebook at Crossing the Borders of Time. She is happy to call into book clubs.

“I miss you terribly. You see, you always talk about getting cure of our romance, and I did my best to help! But now you have me definitely and hopelessly 'contaminated' to the extent that I am sick at heart. Strangeley, I do not want to be cured! I love you completely.”
Leslie Maitland
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“J'attendrai, ma chérie," he told her, attempting to smile. "Le jour et la nuit, tu sais. J'attendrai ton retour. Toujours. I love you always.”
Leslie Maitland
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“His wide mouth was firm as his lips met her own, and like an explorer planting a stake in new soil, he claimed her right then for the rest of her days.”
Leslie Maitland
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