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Lewis Carroll

The Reverend Charles Lutwidge Dodgson, better known by the pen name Lewis Carroll, was an English author, mathematician, logician, Anglican clergyman and photographer.

His most famous writings are Alice's Adventures in Wonderland and its sequel Through the Looking-Glass as well as the poems "The Hunting of the Snark" and "Jabberwocky", all considered to be within the genre of literary nonsense.

Oxford scholar, Church of England Deacon, University Lecturer in Mathematics and Logic, academic author of learned theses, gifted pioneer of portrait photography, colourful writer of imaginative genius and yet a shy and pedantic man, Lewis Carroll stands pre-eminent in the pantheon of inventive literary geniuses.

He also has works published under his real name.

“I do,” Alice hastily replied; “at least—at least I mean what I say—that’s the same thing, you know.”
Lewis Carroll
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“I don't see how he can ever finish, if he doesn't begin.”
Lewis Carroll
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“I'm sure those are not the right words," said poor Alice, and her eyes filled with tears again as she went on, "I must be Mabel after all, and I shall have to go and live in that poky little house, and have next to no toys to play with, and oh, ever so many lessons to learn! No, I've made up my mind about it: if I'm Mabel, I'll stay down here! It'll be no use their putting their heads down and saying 'Come up again, dear!' I shall only look up and say 'Who Am I, then? Tell me that first, and then if I like being that person, I'll come up: if not, I'll stay down here till I'm somebody else' - but oh dear!" Cried Alice, with a sudden burst of tears, " I do wish they would put their heads down! I am so very tired of being all alone here!”
Lewis Carroll
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“My dear, here we must run as fast as we can, just to stay in place. And if you wish to go anywhere you must run twice as fast as that.”
Lewis Carroll
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“The Duchess! The Duchess! Oh my dear paws! Oh my fur and whiskers! She’ll get me executed, as sure as ferrets are ferrets! Where can I have dropped them, I wonder?”
Lewis Carroll
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“But if I’m not the same, the next question is, ‘Who in the world am I?’ Ah, that’s the great puzzle!”
Lewis Carroll
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“The Mad Hatter: "Would you like some wine?"Alice: "Yes..."The Mad Hatter: "We haven't any and you're too young.”
Lewis Carroll
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“Alice: Would you tell me, please, which way I ought to go from here?The Cheshire Cat: That depends a good deal on where you want to get to.Alice: I don't much care where.The Cheshire Cat: Then it doesn't much matter which way you go.Alice: ...So long as I get somewhere.The Cheshire Cat: Oh, you're sure to do that, if only you walk long enough.”
Lewis Carroll
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“I maintain that any writer of a book is fully authorised in attaching any meaning he likes to a word or phrase he intends to use. If I find an author saying, at the beginning of his book, "Let it be understood that by the word 'black' I shall always mean 'white,' and by the word 'white' I shall always mean 'black,'" I meekly accept his ruling, however injudicious I think it.”
Lewis Carroll
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“what is the use of a book,' thought Alice, 'without pictures or conversations?”
Lewis Carroll
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“I wish I hadn't cried so much!” said Alice, as she swam about, trying to find her way out.I shall be punished for it now, I suppose, by being drowned in my own tears !”
Lewis Carroll
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“This was charming, no doubt; but they shortly found out That the Captain they trusted so well Had only one notion for crossing the ocean, And that was to tingle his bell.”
Lewis Carroll
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“What's the good of Mercator's North Poles and Equators, Tropics, Zones, and Meridian Lines?" So the Bellman would cry: and the crew would reply "They are merely conventional signs!”
Lewis Carroll
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“Again, the first "o" in "borogoves" is pronounced like the "o" in "borrow." I have heard people try to give it the sound of the "o" in "worry". Such is Human Perversity.”
Lewis Carroll
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“Si no sabes hacia donde te dirijes, cualquier lugar te llevará”
Lewis Carroll
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“-Hát te kicsoda vagy? Kezdetnek nem volt valami biztató. Alice félénken rebegte:-Ezt e percben aligha tudom, hogy ki voltam ma reggel, amikor fölébredtem. De azóta már rengetegszer megváltoztam.-Hogy érted ezt?-szólt a Hernyó szigorúan.-Értelmesen beszélj.-Sajnos, kérem, nem tudok értelmesen beszélni, mert nem az vagyok, aki vagyok, amint látni tetszik.”
Lewis Carroll
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“Curtsey while you're thinking what to say. It saves time.”
Lewis Carroll
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“What mattered it to her just then that the rushes had begun to fade and to lose all their scent and beauty, from the very moment that she picked them? Even real scented rushes, you know, last only a very little while-- and these, being dream-rushes, melted away almost like snow, as they lay in heaps at her feet-- but Alice hardly noticed this, there were so many other curious things to think about.”
Lewis Carroll
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“I'm a poor man, your majesty," the Hatter began in a weak voice, "and I hadn't but just begun my tea, not more than a week or so, and what with the bread and butter so thin - and the twinkling of the tea-""The twinkling of what?" asked the King."It began with the tea," the Hatter said."Of course twinkling begins with a T!" said the King. "Do you take me for a dunce?”
Lewis Carroll
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“The sun was shining on the sea, Shining with all his might: He did his very best to make The billows smooth and bright-- And this was odd, because it was The middle of the night. The moon was shining sulkily, Because she thought the sun Had got no business to be there After the day was done-- "It's very rude of him," she said, "To come and spoil the fun!" The sea was wet as wet could be, The sands were dry as dry. You could not see a cloud, because No cloud was in the sky: No birds were flying overhead-- There were no birds to fly. In a Wonderland they lie Dreaming as the days go by, Dreaming as the summer die.”
Lewis Carroll
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“and what an ignorant little girl she'll think me for asking!No,it'll never do to ask:perhaps I shall see it written up somewhere.”
Lewis Carroll
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“We're all mad here. Im mad. You're mad”
Lewis Carroll
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“I must be shutting up like a telescope.”
Lewis Carroll
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“Alice was beginning to get very tired of sitting by her sister on the bank, and of having nothing to do: once or twice she had peeped into the book her sister was reading, but it had no pictures or conversations in it, “and what is the use of a book,” thought Alice, “without pictures or conversation?”
Lewis Carroll
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“burning with curiosity”
Lewis Carroll
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“The proper definition of a man is an animal that writes letters.”
Lewis Carroll
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“Come, hearken then, ere voice of dread, with bitter tiding laden, shall summon to unwelcome beda melancholy maiden!We are but older children, dear,who fret to find our bedtime near.”
Lewis Carroll
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“But I'm not a serpent, I tell you!" said Alice. "I'm a --- I'm a ---.""Well! What are you?" said the Pigeon. "I can see you're trying to invent something!""I- I'm a little girl," said Alice, rather doubtfully, as she remembered the number of changes she had gone through that day......"How puzzling all these changes are! I'm never sure what I'm going to be, from one munute to another! However, I've got back to my right size: the next thing is, to get into that beautiful garden- how is that to be done, I wonder?”
Lewis Carroll
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“It would be so nice if something made sense for a change.”
Lewis Carroll
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“No wise fish would go anywhere without a porpoise.”
Lewis Carroll
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“She's stark raving mad!”
Lewis Carroll
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“I don't believe there's an atom of meaning in it.”
Lewis Carroll
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“What a strange world we live in...Said Alice to the Queen of hearts”
Lewis Carroll
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“I'm sure I'm not Ada for her hair goes in such long ringlets, and mine does'nt go in ringlets at all; and I'm sure I'm not Mabel, for I know all sorts of things, and she's she and I'm I, and-oh dear, how puzzling it all is! i'll try if I know all the things I used to know. Let me see: four times five is tweleve, and four times six is thirteen, and four times seven is-oh dear! I shall never get to tewnty at that rate! However, the Multiplication- Table doesn't signify: let's try geography. London is the capital of Paris, and Paris is the capital of Rome, and Rome-no, that's all wrong, I'm certain! I must have been changed for Mabel!”
Lewis Carroll
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“The Red Queen shook her head. "You may call it 'nonsense' if you like," she said, "but I've heard nonsense, compared with which that would be as sensible as a dictionary!”
Lewis Carroll
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“You know," he (Tweedledee) added very gravely, "it's one of the most serious things that can possibly happen to one in a battle--to get one's head cut off." pg. 199”
Lewis Carroll
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“But then, shall I never get any older than I am now? That'll be a comfort, one way -- never to be an old woman -- but then -- always to have lessons to learn!”
Lewis Carroll
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“Come back!" the Caterpillar called after her. "I've something important to say."This sounded promising, certainly. Alice turned and came back again."Keep your temper," said the Caterpillar.”
Lewis Carroll
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“Will you walk a little faster?' said a whiting to a snail,'There's a porpoise close behind us and he's treading on my tail.See how eagerly the lobsters and the turtles all advance!They are waiting on the shingle -- will you come and join the dance?Will you, won't you, will you, won't you, will you join the dance?”
Lewis Carroll
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“I wonder if I've been changed in the night. Let me think. Was I the same when I got up this morning? I almost think I can remember feeling a little different. But if I'm not the same, the next question is 'Who in the world am I?' Ah, that's the great puzzle!”
Lewis Carroll
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“I could tell you my adventures—beginning from this morning,” said Alice a little timidly; “but it’s no use going back to yesterday, because I was a different person then.”
Lewis Carroll
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“I don’t suppose there’ll be a tree left standing, for ever so far around, by the time we’re finished.’” Tweedledum to tweedledee [They are fighting over a rattle]. Lewis Carroll, Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland, p. 156”
Lewis Carroll
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“The Caterpillar and Alice looked at each other for some time in silence: at last the Caterpillar took the hookah out of its mouth,”
Lewis Carroll
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“If you limit your actions in life to things that nobody can possibly find fault with, you will not do much!”
Lewis Carroll
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“But I was thinking of a way To multiply by ten, And always, in the answer, get The question back again.”
Lewis Carroll
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“Twinkle, twinkle little bat How I wonder what you're at! Up above the world you fly, Like a tea-tray in the sky.”
Lewis Carroll
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“They've a temper, some of them--particularly verbs: they're the proudest--adjectives you can do anything with, but not verbs--however I can manage the whole lot of them!”
Lewis Carroll
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“I dare say you never even spoke to Time!" "Perhaps not," Alice cautiously replied; "but I know I have to beat time when I listen to music.""Ah! That accounts for it," said the Hatter. "He won't stand a beating. Now, if only you kept on good terms with him, he'd do almost anything you like with the clock.”
Lewis Carroll
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“If you do not know where you want to go, it doesn't matter which path you take.”
Lewis Carroll
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“It is wrong from beginning to end,' said the Caterpillar decidedly, and there was silence for some minutes.”
Lewis Carroll
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