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Lexis De Rothschild

Lexis De Rothschild is the pen name for a deft drinker with a writing addiction. Her breakout novella, “The Cat Letters: A Tale of Longing, Adventure and True Love" is gorgeously illustrated by Patrick Maloney.

In a former life, Lexis was a start-up specialist in the financial and fine arts industries. Her essay, "Confessions of an eBook Virgin", is a work in progress.

She hopes that her cherished readers will see the humor in all things, especially matters of the heart.

“The ocean swells around us. Sometimes, we are in a bowl of water and sometimes on the top of the lip. The horizon curves.We are sitting on top of the world.In theory, anyone is on the top of their world at every moment, given that the Earth is truly round. But, it’s hard to see that in a subway under New York City and completely obvious out here.”
Lexis De Rothschild
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“Back on the ferry, I sip some vodka on the rocks and have a chat with God.Me: (desperately) What the *&%$# am I going to do?God:Me: (surprised) Really? After all those Sundays of being a back up singer for Jesus, you got nothing to say?God:Me: (humbly) Help me out here.”
Lexis De Rothschild
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“The urge to change my mind and not go at all is enormous. I’m absolutely terrified to leave on that boat. But, if I don’t go, there’ll be one more broken person in this world who gave up a dream to sit in a chair, pick up the TV remote and shrink.”
Lexis De Rothschild
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“I am the Captain of my own life.”
Lexis De Rothschild
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