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Liam Perrin

Liam Perrin has been roughly geosynchronous for more than a few decades and likely will remain so. Most recently, he orbits the center of Earth from a position outside of Phoenix, Arizona where he tries to avoid high speed collisions with his wife, one daughter, a miniature Australian shepherd, a Russian tortoise, and a cat which turned up uninvited.


Liam is no stranger to storytelling. He worked for half a decade on the legendary Myst series selected by the Smithsonian American Art Museum as one of five featured games out of 240 in the Renwick Gallery's standing Art of Video Games exhibition after 3.7 million votes were cast in 175 countries. Liam worked on the series in various roles including technical art, technical game design, and finally as the Live Content Director on the beloved

Myst Online

(formerly Uru: Ages Beyond Myst).


Liam's debut novel Sir Thomas the Hesitant and the Table of Less Valued Knights has been described by readers as:

Very enjoyable - a pleasure to read

" of the most enjoyable, light reading books I have read for some time. A little like Lemony Snicket meets TH White..." -- Amazon reviewer Daniel Jaye

Great read for the entire family

"...a fantasy tale with relatable, imperfect inoculant [sic] to all the Disney princess [expletive deleted]..." -- Amazon reviewer Chip Smith

...face-meltingly talented...dumbfoundingly good...

"...the first book I've read in years where I found myself laughing out loud. Not the offhanded grunt or titter either. Huge public-humiliation grade guffawing laughter." -- Facebook reviewer Michael Conn


Liam's Blog | Liam's Web Site | Liam's Facebook | Liam's Twitter

Liam's email: liam (at) lessvaluedknights (dot) com

“Take a guy who can walk on water, who can raise people from the dead, who can look at you and tell you what you had for breakfast...if a guy like that can't find twelve trustworthy mates, who can? Stop at eleven and call it done, that's the moral of that story.”
Liam Perrin
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“Your heart is who you are, all else follows. Guard your heart, Thomas. Guard your heart.”
Liam Perrin
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“My dear boy, looking like a thing has little to do with being a thing. Be the thing first, and you will grow to resemble it.”
Liam Perrin
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“He looked like someone pretending to be a knight, which was bad. He figured pretending to be something he actually wanted to be was just asking for it.”
Liam Perrin
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“You're cooking", said Elizabeth, and each word came out of her mouth as if it was ashamed of being in the room with the others, "bunny soup.”
Liam Perrin
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