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Liesel Schwarz

“Patrice raised his cup and smiled. "To a successful flight, then."To wealthy eccentric clients with more money than brains, Elle thought to herself as she took a sip of fragrant tea.”
Liesel Schwarz
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“Marsh touched the rim of his hat and smiled at them. The ladies tittered at each other and cast long glances at him from behind their lace gloves as they made their way to the row of ornate passenger dirigibles that sat urging against their moorings in the fading light."Do try not to attract too much attention to yourself, Mr. Marsh," Elle said."Easier said than done," he responded without taking his eyes off the ladies.Elle took a deep breath to dispel her annoyance.”
Liesel Schwarz
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“I've wanted to do this since I laid eyes on you." With a gentle movement, he lifted her face to his and kissed her.Oh, blast. he's right. And I do want him. How annoying. ”
Liesel Schwarz
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“Of all the arrogant men in this world, you are possibly the worst.”
Liesel Schwarz
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“There can be no more noble a quest than a man seeking to rescue his beloved.”
Liesel Schwarz
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“Their mouths met. The touch of his lips sparked an energy that plunged to the very depths of her. In that moment, she knew that this was the one kiss of her life. It was the touch of him she would remember forever. The kiss she would dream of when she was lonely. It was the kiss she would relive when she was alone. It would transcend the physical, the realms of Shadow and Light. All other kisses that followed, if there ever were any, would not compare.”
Liesel Schwarz
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