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Liliane Mavridara

Liliane synthesizes an eclectic educational background with diverse industry experience and hands-on professional expertise in the areas of mind-body health, personal development, stress management, conscious living, and women’s holistic well-being.

As an avid traveler, student of life and observer of human nature across life cycles and transitions, and within diverse communities in US and Europe, Liliane brings a resourceful mindset and a down-to-earth approach in her roles as a teacher, writer, mentor, holistic consultant and group facilitator.

Liliane is the author of "Live Brightly, A Spiritual Guide For Women: How To Move From Dissatisfaction And Loneliness To Integrity, Joy And Right Relations", and of “The Way We Love Now, A Poetic Trilogy Capturing The Heart’s Journey To Find True Love.”

She has also published numerous works on personal development and conscious living for print and online media.

“Living a fulfilling relationship requires courage, nakedness and absolute fearlessness.”
Liliane Mavridara
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