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Linda Boone

“As you soak in His Presence, and soak up His love for you, you will begin to know that you are truly and totally loved, maybe for the first time in your life. This will change your life in so many ways. You will feel and experience His love and His rest and His peace daily and this cannot help but affect your life.”
Linda Boone
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“He has an eternity of love He is just waiting to give you. The more you soak it in, the more of His love you can take in. He wants to saturate you in His love.”
Linda Boone
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“Soaking” seems like a crazy word in an intimacy book. Yet that is exactly what you want to do in your relational time with Him, you want to “soak in and soak up” His presence, “soak in and soak up” His love.”
Linda Boone
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“Soaking is also positioning yourself for an encounter with God, to be with Him. You do the positioning, He does the encounter.”
Linda Boone
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“oaking” seems like a crazy word in an intimacy book. Yet that is exactly what you want to do in your relational time with Him, you want to “soak in and soak up” His presence, “soak in and soak up” His love. Soaking is positioning yourself before God for the sole purpose of experiencing His presence and His love for you.”
Linda Boone
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“God’s desire is to not only have you experience His love, but to totally overwhelm you with His love. To have you experience it to overflowing. To have you sense, feel, taste, and touch His love for you. He really wants you to experience Him!”
Linda Boone
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“Linda Boone; Intimate Life Lessons: developing the intimacy with God you already have.”
Linda Boone
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“There are times when your heart may be so full that it seems as though it is going to break. It may be sorrow, anguish, frustration, guilt, anger—any number of feelings can build up within until you reach your breaking point. At these times you have a couple choices to make: you can either try to handle it yourself or you can turn to God. And in turning to God, you can either do so superficially, or you can do so deeply, with total honesty.”
Linda Boone
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“What does pouring out your heart to God do? He already knows all what goes on in your heart and mind, right? Pouring out your heart to Him starts the flow of intimacy with Him. It lets Him know that you want to share your innermost being with Him and that you truly want intimacy with Him. The act of sharing opens your heart and life up to intimacy with Him. ”
Linda Boone
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“One of the best ways to let Him inside you is to honestly share your feelings with Him. You need to be brutally honest with Him and with yourself in how you are feeling. By pouring out your heart to Him honestly—being totally transparent and vulnerable—you create tremendous intimacy. You are letting Him inside you. "The goal in sharing your heart with Him is to talk about the things that really matter; your feelings and emotions on a subject that is really important to you.”
Linda Boone
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“...true intimacy—sharing who you are, the very deepest part of you—with Him. God wants to listen to who you are.”
Linda Boone
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“If you truly desire intimacy with your Father and Jesus, you must be willing to do what is the very heart of intimacy: share who you really are with Him—all your innermost thoughts and feelings.”
Linda Boone
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“Heart-to-heart journaling is a dialogue with God where both you and God are talking and you are recording it on paper. Heart-to-heart journaling is simply writing out your thoughts to God and what you sense to be His answer or response to you.”
Linda Boone
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“Journaling is the single most effective tool you may ever find for deeper intimacy with Father God and Jesus. It is a heart-to-heart method of communication with God. For you see, it is God’s desire to intimately commune with you and to have you intimately commune with Him. Journaling facilitates this heart-to-heart communion—it is simply listening to each other’s heart and writing it down.Journaling helps you hear God’s voice. God is speaking to you most of the time. Often you do not differentiate His voice from your own thoughts and therefore do not realize you are actually hearing God’s voice. If you can learn to clearly discern His voice speaking within you, you have found the font of intimacy—the heart of God speaking to you.”
Linda Boone
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