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Linda Gerber

Linda Gerber recently returned to life in the Midwest after four years in Japan where she served as the RA for SCBWI Tokyo. Her books include SASS: Now and Zen, SASS: The Finnish Line, Death by Bikini, Death by Latte, Death by Denim and the upcoming novel, Trance.She currently lives and writes in Dublin, Ohio, blissfully ignoring her husband, four kids, and one very naughty puppy"

“You know, I have to tell you"--I tried to make my voice bright to lighten the moo--"this ring of yours has got to be the ugliest thing I have ever seen.""I'm insulted." He held his hand up to the moonlight and straightened the monstrosity on his finger. "My dad gave this to me when we moved to Michigan.'To remember the old life' he said. I've never taken it off. I look at it and see California.""Remind me never to visit California.”
Linda Gerber
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“Spies and parents never sleep.”
Linda Gerber
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“A pool just isn't the same as the ocean. It has no energy. No life.”
Linda Gerber
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“He used you, yeah. But what if you hadn't come? My family would have run again, but we would never have been free. We would never stop hunting us.""I know." I thought of my frustration in Paris and I couldn't even imagine how sick of running Seth must be. "That's why I had to come."His eyebrow cocked upward. "And here I thought you came to see me.”
Linda Gerber
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“Do I like living with Daniel's family? No. Would I ever tell him that? No. I know I'm all about honesty and saying what I think, but sometimes people are more important than the truth.”
Linda Gerber
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“Never use limitations as an excuse for mediocrity.”
Linda Gerber
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