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Linda Nichols

“The arm of flesh will fail you," Bridie's grandmother had been fond of reminding her, especially after she'd started dating, bringing home this one and that one, going on and on about them. "Love with all your heart, . . . but don't look to anybody but the Lord to fill up your empty spots. There's never been a man born . . . who can do that, and I don't care if he's the finest thing since store-bought pickles.”
Linda Nichols
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“...I know I was wrong. If i could go back and do it over, I would. I wish I could undo it all."I know that." Grandma reached over and put a twisted hand on hers. "'Though your sins be as scarlet, they shall be as white as snow.' Isaiah one eighteen."I've done terrible things."Don't make no difference. You can't out-sin the cross.”
Linda Nichols
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“But if it was going to end, she wondered, feeling confusion starting to fog her mind, why had he kissed her?”
Linda Nichols
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