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Linda Robinson

Writer/artist living in small town Michigan. I am a feminist, paddler, rebel wannabe, constant reader, recovering wine snob, primary caregiver, and anarchist emeritus.

When I was young, I wanted to be an alien. My brothers think I succeeded.

The first book I could read by myself was "The Cat in the Hat Comes Back." The next book I remember reading was Taylor Caldwell's "Dear and Glorious Physician."

By second grade, I had the thickest glasses in my family. Still do. I read by lamp light, moonlight, flashlight, candlelight and the pilot light in the furnace. Books are as important to my survival as water and dark chocolate.

“Laudy laud! is my new phrase for the hero worship that butters the human bread.”
Linda Robinson
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“I have to start loving what comes next and stop hating I won't be a part of it.”
Linda Robinson
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“A 65 year old woman questioning herself is no different than a 15 year old girl launching herself.”
Linda Robinson
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“Everything owed is due again.”
Linda Robinson
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“Nobody learns anything by doing everything right.”
Linda Robinson
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“How many new girls will it take to change the world?”
Linda Robinson
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“We want desparately to believe that even if we judge ourselves harshly throughout life, at least at the end, we can pull off a victorious and elegant exit.”
Linda Robinson
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“Bravery shared doesn't act like bravado among her own.”
Linda Robinson
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“We email, teleconference, webinar, but we are not in the room with the people. It is a false connectedness - artificial team-building. It's like eating the menu instead of the food.”
Linda Robinson
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“If we cannot be fearless, let us be fleet.”
Linda Robinson
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“I must catch up to the others, for I am their leader.”
Linda Robinson
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“Society is no place to keep humans.”
Linda Robinson
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“Life lessons cannot be applied topically.”
Linda Robinson
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“In the thread's breadth between terror and rapture lies awareness.”
Linda Robinson
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