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Lindsey Kelk

“I love you because you always have a T-shirt under your pillow for me, even if you don't know I'm coming to stay. I love you because you know I want sugar in my tea in the morning but not at night and because you always pretend you forgot I wanted a skinny hot chocolate in Starbucks because you know I really prefer full fat but don't like to order it in case the girl behind the counter thinks I'm fat.'Alex started to smile. So I carried on.”
Lindsey Kelk
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“Why do you love me, Angela?'Arsehole. Turning my question back on myself. 'Why do I love you?''It's really easy to say I love you, it's another altogether to explain why,' he said.”
Lindsey Kelk
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“but Alex's last girlfriend? now there was a female human being who had worked hard to deserve her given moniker. As far as i was concerned, she was going to that special circle of hell reserved for Hitler, Jusin Bieber and the man who invented high-waisted jeans.”
Lindsey Kelk
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“I might not be able to hold my drink or my man, but what I can hold, is a tune. Point me in the right direction and give me a bloody mic.”
Lindsey Kelk
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“Don't be too funny, guys like funny but they don't want to marry a comedian, right? The guy is supposed to be the funny one.”
Lindsey Kelk
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“Either I've found my spiritual home, or I've watched too much TV”
Lindsey Kelk
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“And this was why falling for the butterflies was never a good idea. I didn’t feel all bubbly and excited now. I felt cold and broken and empty.- Rachel”
Lindsey Kelk
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“Saying you liked all music meant that you didn't love any.”
Lindsey Kelk
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“People go to LA to "find themselves", they come to New York to become someone new.”
Lindsey Kelk
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“I wasn't in love with Simon any more. I hadn't been in love with Simon for a long time. I was in love with not being on my own, with having someone there at the end of the day and now I knew I didn't need that. My heart was not broken over him: it was breaking for the things I had wanted from him. And I didn't want them any more.”
Lindsey Kelk
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“Sometimes we get so used to not really feeling anything, just going with the flow, that we forget how it feels to be really happy or sad.”
Lindsey Kelk
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“Bloody Facebook- and to think I'd enjoyed The Social Network. Clearly Mark Zuckerberg was the devil.”
Lindsey Kelk
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“I waved down a lit cab. He swerved dramatically towards me and stopped inches from my Louboutins. Shoe-icide, a fate worse than death”
Lindsey Kelk
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“I may as well have told him I'd carried a watermelon”
Lindsey Kelk
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“It's OK not to be OK.”
Lindsey Kelk
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“A break up is the closest thing to bereavement”
Lindsey Kelk
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“If you didn't feel like your support system was strong enough, then getting yourself out of the situation was the best thing to do”
Lindsey Kelk
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“New York is made up of millions of different people, and they all come here looking for something”
Lindsey Kelk
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“I had always been warned that American didn't always get sarcasm”
Lindsey Kelk
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“...These things come to an end, like anything else. There's nothing worse than staying when there's nothing to stay for.”
Lindsey Kelk
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