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Lindsey Leavitt

Lindsey Leavitt is a Leo sun/Sagittarius rising, which makes her skilled at traveling, studying and sleeping in. She grew up in Las Vegas and now lives in the snowy mountains with her big, blended family. She is the author of over fifteen books for kids and teens. Lindsey had an MFA from Vermont College of Fine Arts. Visit her online at

“People laugh because they're nervous, or to cover up tension, or to flirt, or because there's some instant applause meter in their head telling them that it's the socially acceptable thing to do. Genuine laughter, I don't even think that happens daily.”
Lindsey Leavitt
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Lindsey Leavitt
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“I'm trying to abandon the present, but I don't even have the skills to master the past.”
Lindsey Leavitt
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“You can't trust a guy showing off more cleavage than you.”
Lindsey Leavitt
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“I like to lie sometimes. You should know that about me.”
Lindsey Leavitt
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“I thought Oliver was trying hard before, but now I realize it's quite the opposite-- he doesn't try, he just is, makes up his mind and doesn't check if it's going to work for his image or come off wrong. Since the rest of us are being so self-aware, his presence seems calculated. No one can possibly be that breezy, saying what he thinks, feeling what he feels. I can see why people don't like him for this very reason-- it's so much easier to call him a poser.Because if he's the real deal, then that makes the rest of us fakes.”
Lindsey Leavitt
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“Adolescence is the same tragedy being performed again and again. The only things that change are the stage props.”
Lindsey Leavitt
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“That's not him at all, just how you perceive him.”
Lindsey Leavitt
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“He loops his arm over my shoulder and we watch the waves in silence. We've had so many silences between us these last few months, bitter ones, loaded ones, empty ones, and hurtful ones. This one is perfect. It says things that words can't.”
Lindsey Leavitt
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“There's nothing sweeter than sweat.”
Lindsey Leavitt
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“I didn't ask for your résumé,theater freak. You people love to talk, don't you.”
Lindsey Leavitt
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“A bead of cold sweat dangled on my fingertip before dripping onto the doorbell. What if I got electrocuted from my wet fingers? I would die literally inches from my first high school party. And everyone would be like, oh, poor thing was so nervous, what a tragedy. Death by sweat.”
Lindsey Leavitt
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“When I'm done, I contemplate lying down in the middle of the road to let a car finish me off. I'm already half-dead.”
Lindsey Leavitt
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“Right. Like I have any plans of hanging out with Vampire Boy ever again. Schedule it in right after my lunch date with Lord Voldemort.”
Lindsey Leavitt
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“I don't know if I've ever really touched him. Maybe once or twice when passing papers back. You know, even shorter, his hair looks so soft. Maybe it's time I rub it a little. So I can give more concrete details.I stretch my hand across my desk, but stop when I realize the horror of what I was about to do. Pet Sean. Have I lost my mind?”
Lindsey Leavitt
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“I let out a sigh, hoping it releases some of the bad karma I just incurred from being so heinous. (Sean Griswold's Head)”
Lindsey Leavitt
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“They just change. Their body changes. Their abilities - the things they do that make them who they are - leave, sometimes temporarily, sometimes forever. Every day they wake up with that big what if?And nothing is scarier than a life filled with what ifs - living by day without predictability and control. Some people end up losing feeling. Some have uncontrollable spasms. Some can't function. Some end up blind or in a wheelchair. Some end up bedridden and paralyzed.It's hard to know who "some people" will be.”
Lindsey Leavitt
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“When a flawlessly dressed woman steps out of an iridescent bubble and wants to know, like NOW if you'd like to become a substitute princess, do you:a) run b) faintc) say yes!”
Lindsey Leavitt
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“He said focus. The word focus. I hear angels singing. Everything goes dark except for a light that beams down on Sean. It is a God-given sign- like when people see the Virgin Mary in their grilled cheese, except this isn't religious and I'm actually not a big fan of dairy. I stare at the back of his head. His HEAD. Something I see every day but never really see because it's been there forever. Since the first day of third grade.I crumple up my web. I don't need it. Praise be, the Focus Gods have spoken.I am going to write about Sean Griswold's Head.”
Lindsey Leavitt
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“I would be lying if I said I didn't get a kick out of the assignment. Here I am, a "troubled youth," and my self-chosen treatment is to become a stalker. Okay, not stalker. Research Analyst.”
Lindsey Leavitt
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“Everything they've said is tainted now. Every day was a lie.”
Lindsey Leavitt
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“We have different interests,fit into different cliques, but the length of our friendship makesmost of that unimportant. You go through enough with a personover a long enough period of time and they just become a part ofwho you are.”
Lindsey Leavitt
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“Life if freer once you are out of the cocoon.”
Lindsey Leavitt
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