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Lindsey Renee Backen

I believe hope is the strongest thread that unites us from where we are in life to where our created potential can be. While fulfilling dreams and reaching goals requires additional traits, the starting point is always a spark of hope that you can actually do it. Hope gives people the courage to pick up a pen, move across the country, start a new career, or even survive captivity, war, and the everyday stresses of life. Creating that spark of hope is what I love to do.

My books cross genres and themes: like life, their stories weave threads of the best and worst of moments, triumphs, and traumas. My fiction is deeply character-driven, centered around the inner worlds of the characters as they face outer challenges, confront their own flaws, and make sense of their worlds. In my books, you will find the innocence of first love, the trauma of war and family abuse, the struggle to break free of molds and expectations, and the complexity of family relationships. Not every character will get a fairytale ending, but read on, Friend. I believe that every story, whether my fiction or your life, can emerge from the darkest of places end in hope.

Love, Lindsey

“Some stood up for the prince, declaring that he would set things to right, while others argued that nothing good could ever come from Galephy. Most, however - as people are apt to do when they do not think they can change their circumstances - raised their glasses to their lips and ignored the entire situation.”
Lindsey Renee Backen
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“Safe! Such a colorful, horrible bog of lace and silks as I have hopes of never seeing again! You have proven to be our hero, kind Sir, for indeed, had you not been there to grant the way of escape, I fear we would have certainly met our undoing! With lace underfoot and egos overhead, not even the strongest woman has hope of weathering such a place!”
Lindsey Renee Backen
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“Trust me, dear, with the amount that you read, I guarantee that your eyes will never go bad.”
Lindsey Renee Backen
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“I'm not sure why we have that [book on weaponry] on the shelves. I'd feel a lot better if we didn't teach our guests a hundred different ways to kill me.”
Lindsey Renee Backen
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“But if there is no God, then who made the knowledge? And if there is no God, then who appoints the kings? I think I must believe there's a God. I cannot rule a country by myself.”
Lindsey Renee Backen
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“You know God and Father doesn't. I'd rather be like you.”
Lindsey Renee Backen
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