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Lionel Suggs

“Humans are most imaginative when they need a means of self-destruction. If the world existed in an overflowing amount of happiness; a utopian state, then the suicide rate would dwarf any extinction level threat. Humans cannot be trusted with their own survival. Their minds have been trained to be blindly and unconsciously subjugated. In a time related to Heaven-on-Earth, the smallest amount of worry, will drive a human into the arms of death. This is how weak and fragile the human mind and will is. It's funny, because the best friend of humanity, is none other than Chaos itself.”
Lionel Suggs
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“The value of an opinion is only measured by its user. It's ironic that the value of a fact is only measured by its observer.”
Lionel Suggs
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“The difference between knowing the name of something and knowing something are worlds apart.”
Lionel Suggs
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“Do you know what the difference is between knowing a bird and knowing about a bird?”
Lionel Suggs
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“Her beauty was a divine delicacy that I could only hold within my dreams. I tested my dream of her beauty, and I whispered her grace to the angels. The sounds of heaven replied back to me, telling me that her beauty transcended not only my dreams, but even heaven.”
Lionel Suggs
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“Because of her, there is no bridge between dreams and reality. In reality, because of her, drinking a glass of water has taste. In a dream, it doesn't have taste, unless she's in it with me. I do not have to dream about her, because all of my dreams about her, is my only reality.”
Lionel Suggs
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“Because she stepped into my world, I began to savor everything, be it a glass of water or a walk in the park. I was positively in-love with her, because she was the greatest positive force in my life. People tried to tell me that I was not in-love with her, and that I only thought that I was. However, reality is almost always wrong, and no one sees the world the way that I do. No one sees her the way that I do. She is the one that puts flavor into my water, and makes an average walk in the park absolutely divine. In my world, in my reality, she is the one that I choose to be in-love with.”
Lionel Suggs
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“God is a sore loser. Me and him made a bet, and when he lost, he refused to pay up.”
Lionel Suggs
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“A female's body should be looked at and respected as something divine. At least, that was the original thought, but time marches on, and the sanctity of the sacred body is no longer sacred.”
Lionel Suggs
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“A man who does not doubt the courage of a woman, is a man that is subjugated by her will and allure.”
Lionel Suggs
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“Women are creatures that accomplishes staggering tasks. They seek perfection, accommodation, and completion in their tasks. This is why it is valid to put your faith in a woman if you need to get a job done. Vision however, is what they lack. Imagination, is where they are weak. Possibility, is what they attempt to ignore. This is when you get a boy or a man, for they have the power to truly dream. A man understands that you can turn a dream into reality, and that time is a luxury, not an obstacle.”
Lionel Suggs
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“A fundamental error that I have noticed within a lot of independent women, is that by default, they must succeed. If not, their self-reflection in stagnation will overcome them. In striving to succeed immediately, they have failed successfully, and have fallen into the ocean of persistence and fluctuation. But it's not all in vain, for hope is a returning daydream. Unknown to them, their opposite is merely sleeping with time, awaiting the impending song of daybreak's bell.”
Lionel Suggs
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“Men have grown embarrassingly weak, but only through observation. Their resolve can easily be broken by a woman. Their emotions can be easily manipulated by a woman. Their power can be easily taken by a woman. Their pride can be easily stripped by a woman. Their entire life can easily be ruined by a woman. While physically stronger, their manipulative prowess can be wittingly outclassed by a woman. And while their dreams are stronger, the realities of women are stronger.”
Lionel Suggs
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“A woman's beauty should not imitate art.”
Lionel Suggs
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“A woman should be able to see the reflection of herself within her lover's eyes. This tells you that you are all that your lover sees. However, by simply placing that thought into your mind, and creating that image, your illusion will blind you from what your lover truly sees. This is usually a woman's reality, until they start to demand the truth.”
Lionel Suggs
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“I have a habit of painting reality with my dreams.”
Lionel Suggs
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“It's improbable for me to become lost, because I am already self-realized. A blank scene is a portrait of a glass kingdom to me. In order to become lost, one must not be able to realize their own identity, ego, and self.”
Lionel Suggs
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“Art is a concept used for making your soul grow. It's God's way of showing you that you also have the power to create. It's reality's way of allowing you to dress the world.”
Lionel Suggs
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“I saw my success in the mirror and shattered it, in order to set it free.”
Lionel Suggs
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“You can't change reality -- only its perception.”
Lionel Suggs
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“I have a clear understanding of things, and no stress. A child brings regrets, not clarity. It can open up your eyes to an illusion, not a reality. But nonetheless, the gift of life is a beautiful thing; cherish it, love it, and lavish it. A birth of a child may not bring clarity, but it brings infinite love, new hope, and turns its parent(s) to a new light.”
Lionel Suggs
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“Reality is a changeless concept that only perception can mask.”
Lionel Suggs
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“Feminists amuse me more than illusionists. They are the only type of people that can make an illogical argument seem even more illogical with paintings of delusions.”
Lionel Suggs
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“Sometimes, I believe that God overestimates his ability. It's quite a shame to be so perfect, yet lack so much imagination. But don't worry, I'll give your Creator God a C- for effort.”
Lionel Suggs
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“I find it strange how some men simply give up their soul to a woman, and act in obedience to their will. I find it stranger that those same women, are ignorant to the belief that this isn't his real face. Most women don't know what their man looks like when he's not in-love with them. But when that mystical spell is broken, it's like a person seeing the true face of God; only realizing that you simply never understood...their real self.”
Lionel Suggs
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“At the center of a man's purpose rests the hunger for competition, war, chaos, and calmness. You take it away, there is nothing but a self-reflection of stagnation for him.”
Lionel Suggs
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“The mind is a universe, and it has the power to completely create any possibility.”
Lionel Suggs
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“If you want to find a reason to smile, to find a reason to be happy, learn to appreciate the beauty that surrounds you.”
Lionel Suggs
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“I've never met a woman with divine sweetness in her eyes, or a delicacy in her smile that was so glorious, that it made my heart ascend to grace.”
Lionel Suggs
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“True beauty express itself automatically. It's not only visible in the material, but around one's being, and within their aura. I once met a female, who was like that of a jeweled flower. Her celestial atmosphere and genuine conception could not separate from the true expression of the definition of beauty.”
Lionel Suggs
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“Revolution must take place within one's own mind.”
Lionel Suggs
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“Her beauty was like a pulsating silence full of music.”
Lionel Suggs
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“Every step in life is merely part of a game. Every piece is necessary, but if you do not know how to control the game, then you become one of the pieces that are meant to be sacrificed.”
Lionel Suggs
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“Learn how to think a few moves ahead at once. In life, if you can anticipate the human mind, you can anticipate all possible futures.”
Lionel Suggs
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“I never assume anything. I anticipate the possibilities and allow my imagination to create the future.”
Lionel Suggs
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“When God plays chess, you will notice that he never has to move a single order to win.”
Lionel Suggs
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“I would rather be calm and focused, than human and emotional.”
Lionel Suggs
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“It takes discipline to turn illusion into reality.”
Lionel Suggs
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“Peace is a flawed logic. They believe that communication and understanding will create peace. However, just because you know and understand the nature of something or someone, does not mean that you will come to terms.”
Lionel Suggs
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“Just because a path never existed, doesn't mean that it isn't there...”
Lionel Suggs
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“My reality is at the end of the dream. When I walk down the road of life, searching for the door that will guide me to my reality, I am merely walking to confirm there is nothing there.”
Lionel Suggs
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“Never perceive anything as being inevitable or predestined. The only absolute is uncertainty.”
Lionel Suggs
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“When a black cat crosses your path, follow it. Understand the knowable unknown.”
Lionel Suggs
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“Just because a prediction is true, doesn't mean that it is not false.”
Lionel Suggs
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“One with true creativity can erase their one past, and replace it with an infinite number of pasts, creating new possibilities for the future.”
Lionel Suggs
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“Free will and choice implies that you are able to even re-write your record of memories.”
Lionel Suggs
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“Most do not understand what sight is. The mind isn't free. If you don't want to see something, you simply just need to open your eyes.”
Lionel Suggs
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“In life, you can learn a lot by simply watching the water.”
Lionel Suggs
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“Look at a full vivid painting, and look at an empty picture. If you can immediately see an entire universe within the empty picture, and absolutely nothing in the vivid painting, clarity is your friend. If you immediately see a full vivid painting and an empty picture, and see them for what they are, slavery is your friend.”
Lionel Suggs
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“Imagination doesn't always mean looking outside of the box, but taking a closed box and seeing a different world from within it.”
Lionel Suggs
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