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Lisa Borden

Lisa lives and works by the African Proverb; ‘If you think you’re too small to make a difference, try sleeping in a room with a mosquito.’ She believes with conviction that everyone has the knowledge and power to make a difference. Lisa started her marketing firm in Toronto in 1994 to help businesses and people live and work efficiently, effectively and consciously – and this is still now how she defines “green” efforts in life and work.

Her wealth of experience coupled with her passion for simple, realistic solutions, allows Lisa to deliver her messages and ideas directly in a way people relate to, with great ease. As a self-employed, mother of three and eco-advocate, she easily understands the challenges that daily life poses, yet uses it to her benefit to convince everyone that it’s not about balance and perfection, as much as it as about doing the best we can, with what we have, that’s defined as “right” by ourselves. She assures everyone that she can lead them to clarity, a healthier lifestyle and a more successful business.

As a marketing and business development consultant, enthusiastic philanthropist, speaker, writer, avid social media user and as a parent, she understands real life…and real work. You will often see her speak out or sourced in the media when an issue needs common sense clarification.

Lisa is the author of the newly released, The Alphabet of Avoidance, a fun, inspiring and perspective-changing, quick read that not only identifies what we should be avoiding in order to live healthier lives, but also includes simple solutions to immediately replace the ‘bad’ with something better…or even, nothing at all.

Lisa’s marketing firm in Toronto, Canada offers a holistic approach to consciously marketing responsible brands and services. Her business has evolved, and continues to, based on her knowledge and convictions. She encourages everyone to be their own expert by offering new perspectives, and helping them find the clarity to uncover simple solutions to daily challenges. She claims that she is not a coach, a consultant, or a concierge, but rather a strategic blend of all of these roles working to increase efficiencies, revenue, health and happiness. As a consultant to small businesses, corporations, non-profit organizations, school groups and individuals as well as a dynamic campaign and brand ambassador and motivational speaker, her message is always clear. Every action and every dollar matters and has an impact – so we’d better take each step wisely. Together.

“If you aren't outraged, then you just aren't paying attention”
Lisa Borden
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