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Lisa McMann

Lisa McMann lives and writes in the Phoenix area. Her newest middle grade fantasy series is called The Forgotten Five. Book one, Map of Flames, was an instant NYT bestseller. It's about five supernatural kids, raised in a deserted hideout, who enter civilization for the first time to search for a hidden stash left behind by their missing, criminal parents.

Book two, The Invisible Spy, is on sale now! Book three, Rebel Undercover, is coming summer 2023, and book 4 will be out in spring of 2024.

Also out now: CLARICE THE BRAVE. It's a story of hope against all odds, about sibling mice who get separated in a mutiny and vow to find one another again.

Lisa's other books include the NYT bestselling THE UNWANTEDS and UNWANTEDS QUESTS series, the GOING WILD trilogy, the YA paranormal WAKE trilogy, the VISIONS trilogy, CRYER'S CROSS, DEAD TO YOU, and INFINITY RING: The Trap Door.

See what's new and where Lisa will be at her


You can find more info at Lisa'a website,, interact with her on Facebook or Twitter, or ask questions on her Instagram.

“Janie.Does not like.To be called.Buffy.”
Lisa McMann
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“Just stand. Bend. Balance.”
Lisa McMann
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“There's something about a guy who admits he's a jerk that makes him forgiveable.”
Lisa McMann
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“You - best secret boyfriend ever.”
Lisa McMann
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“No choice is best”
Lisa McMann
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“I know i'll screw up. But i'll keep trying, as long as you let me.”
Lisa McMann
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“The phone rings.“Asshole,” she mutters. She picks it up.“Will you let me explain?”“No.” She hangs up.”
Lisa McMann
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“But then you slammed a door handle into my gut. And when a girl does that to a guy; it means she likes him.”
Lisa McMann
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“He kisses her. She kisses him. They kiss.”
Lisa McMann
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“The thought of being with Shay Wilder makes me want to gouge my eyes out with a butter knife”
Lisa McMann
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“WEWhen it is over, we breathe and ache like old oak, like peeling birch. One of Our lost souls set free. We move, a chess piece in a dark room, cast-iron legs moving a centimeter at a time, crying out in silent carved graffiti. Calling to Our next victim, Our next savior. We carve on Our face:Touch me.Save my soul. ”
Lisa McMann
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“WE We feel the heat, and for a moment, We believe! Life is back. But this heat is intense, not gentle. Not submissive but searing. Painful. We moan, scream, Our face cracking like gunfire... like a whip. Thirty-five, one hundred. One hundred! ONE HUNDRED! The fire consumes our wooden host. It burns, breaks, explodes. Releases Our remaining souls to travel to Our final resting places. Or. To find new places to hide. And wait. Touch me.”
Lisa McMann
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“If you want to touch me, Kendall, touch me. Don't hide behind those little girl slaps.”
Lisa McMann
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“A trapped soul waits for redemption.It waits. And waits.For her to take her last breath.”
Lisa McMann
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“So, ah, I'm not sure if you know this, but you're not wearing a shirt.""Distracting, isn't it?”
Lisa McMann
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“It's the intent, not the word, that makes something harsh.”
Lisa McMann
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“He moves like a dancer.”
Lisa McMann
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“Jacian Obregon. It sounds like a melody. Or a tragedy.”
Lisa McMann
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“Because with the right person, sometimes kissing feels like healing.”
Lisa McMann
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“I highly regret this day in advance.”
Lisa McMann
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“Read if you believe”
Lisa McMann
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“If you believe you can read you can”
Lisa McMann
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“That was the goth stage, where I decided I'd never get the girl of my dreams because of my scars. Not to mention my hairstyle. (pause) But then she slammed a door handle into my gut. And when a girl does that to a boy, it means she likes him.”
Lisa McMann
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“Dreams aren't memories," he says.”
Lisa McMann
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“Oh baby," he whispers. Steps back. Out of the doorway. His face ashen. He walks slowly back to the kitchen. Leans over the counter. Puts his head in his hands. His hair falls over his fingers.The bathroom door clicks shut.She stays there for a long time.He's pulling his hair out.”
Lisa McMann
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“Carrie doesn't seem to talk about anything with sharp edges. Maybe she's afraid they might poke her and then she'd burst.”
Lisa McMann
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“Janies lips part in surprise. She takes it. Feels really strange about opening it in front of him. She wets her lips and examines the box and the ribbon that surounds it. "Thank you." She says softly. "Um..." He clears his throat, "The gift, see is actually inside the box. The box is like an extra bonus gift.It's how we do things here on planet Earth.”
Lisa McMann
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“Hey Cabe?" she says, drying her hair, feeling refreshed. Grinning. Putting all thoughts but one aside for the moment. "You wanna go get Jimmy a raincoat and we'll take care of you?"Cabel looks at her.Turns his head and narrows his eyes.Who the hell is Jimmy?”
Lisa McMann
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“I lurve you, circus freak," Cabel says. It almost hurts to hear him say that.I lurve you, too, you big lumpy monster man," Janie says.That hurts even more to say.”
Lisa McMann
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Lisa McMann
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“There's just no happily ever after in Janie's book.But they both know there is something. Something good between them.There is respect.And there is depth.Unslefishness.An understanding between them that surpasses a hell of a lot else.And there's that love thing.”
Lisa McMann
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“Janie blinks and leans against the wall, just in case.But it's no one's dream.It's just the end of some things.And the beginning of others.”
Lisa McMann
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“Excellent." Captain nods. "Cabel. What's your job?"Watching in agony, sir."Captain suppressed a smile. "I'd make you stay home if I didn't know you'd sneak out, anyway. while you are watching in agony, feel free to take note of anyone who comes or goes that's not on the list.”
Lisa McMann
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“Janie calls Cabel."Hi, uh, Mom," she says.Cabel snorts. "Hello, dear. Did you make it through the blizzard?""Yeah. Barely." Janie grins into the phone.”
Lisa McMann
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“With the notebook resting ominuslously on Janie's bed, Janie procrastinates.Does her homework first.And pours herself a bowl of ceral. Breakfast - one of the five most important meals of the day. Not to be skipped.”
Lisa McMann
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“Cabel gives her a quizzical look. "I am totally not getting enough attention here.”
Lisa McMann
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“This phone," he says finally. "I want this phone."She laughs. "No. S'mine."Janie, I don't think you understand. I want it."Sorry."It's got photo caller ID; Internet; video, camera, and digital recorder?! Holy Hannah... It's making me warm all over."Oh yeah?" Janie says in a sexy voice. "Wanna play with my phone, baby?"Hell yes, I do.”
Lisa McMann
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“Once you read something, you can't erase it from your brain.”
Lisa McMann
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“Because there's no way on earth she's going to make it through college unless she grows some serious ovaries and turns this train wreck around”
Lisa McMann
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“Get me outa here. F*ckin' creepy cheerleaders.”
Lisa McMann
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“...she's leaving now....Janis attacks the back door of the school gym and finds herself in a heavy cloud of smoke. She realizes she's found the Goths' hangout. Who knew?"Oof," someone says. She keeps walking, muttering, "sorry" to whomever it was she hit with the flying door.***Cabel: ... That was the Goth stage where I decided I'd never get the girl of my dreams because of my scars. Not to mention the hairstyle.(pause)But then she slammed a door handle into my gut. And, when a girl does that to a boy, it means she likes him.”
Lisa McMann
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“And then they kiss.Slowly, gently.Because with the right person, sometimes kissing feels like healing.”
Lisa McMann
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“Janie imagines a life without people. Without him. Broken heart, loneliness, but able to see, to feel. To live. To be, in peace. Not always looking over her shoulder for the next dream attack.And she imagines life with him. Blind, gnarled, but loved... at least while things are still good. And always knowing what struggles he's dealing with through his dreams. Does she really want to see that, as years go by? Does she really want to be this incredible burden to such an awesome guy?She still doesn't know which scenario wins.But she's thinking.Maybe broken hearts can mend more easily than broken hands and eyes.”
Lisa McMann
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“Cabel regards Janie and sighs. 'I know you can handle it, Janie. You're such a damn martyr. It's tiring, really, having this same argument with you every time you've got shit happening. Just let it go. I'm not leaving.' He smiles faux-diplomatically.”
Lisa McMann
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“WAKEDealing with an alcoholic single mother and endless hours of working at Heather Nursing Home to raise money for college, high-school senior Janie Hannagan doesn’t need more problems. But inexplicably, since she was eight years old, she has been pulled in to people’s dreams, witnessing their recurring fears, fantasies and secrets. Through Miss Stubin at Heather Home, Janie discovers that she is a dream catcher with the ability to help others resolve their haunting dreams. After taking an interest in former bad boy Cabel, she must distinguish between the monster she sees in his nightmares and her romantic feelings for him. And when she learns more about Cabel’s covert identity, Janie just may be able to use her special dream powers to help solve crimes in a suspense-building ending with potential for a sequel. McMann lures teens in by piquing their interest in the mysteries of the unknown, and keeps them with quick-paced, gripping narration and supportive characters.”
Lisa McMann
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