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Lisa Schroeder

Lisa Schroeder is the author of more than twenty books for kids and teens. Her latest novel is WISH ON ALL THE STARS, with Scholastic. She lives in Oregon where she spends her time reading, writing, baking yummy treats, and hiking with her family.




instagram: lisaschroeder15

“I journeyed to a place where it's always raining cupcakes. I didn't need a passport, but I met a lot of interesting people and experienced new things. Even though the trip was a little bumpy, I got there just fine.”
Lisa Schroeder
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“WRAP ME UPI shiver.He pulls away."Are you cold?" he asks."A little.Plus... you know.""What?""Um... your kisses?"He laughs,pulls me downonto the blanketand wraps his armsand legs around me.Perfect.My kind of blanket.”
Lisa Schroeder
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“Who do I get the feelingthis boy islost at sea? Just like me?”
Lisa Schroeder
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“Maybe, just maybe, a reader would feel a little less alone in the world.”
Lisa Schroeder
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“Your parents may have created you, but they don't define you.”
Lisa Schroeder
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“Circumstances shape who we are and who we become. I believe that. But I also believe we have choices. There are always choices.”
Lisa Schroeder
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“Sometimes you want to remember. And sometimes you need to forget.”
Lisa Schroeder
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“I like the memories because they remind meI haven't always beenthis girl,constantly mad or scaredor confused.”
Lisa Schroeder
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“She taught me to slow down.To look up and enjoy the view.To not worry so much about the end resultthat I end up missing things along the way.”
Lisa Schroeder
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“Looking at these pictures,I wonder,did that part of methat flourished around him,like prized perennialsunder a tender gardener's care,die along with him?”
Lisa Schroeder
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“I know. You can be fine, and then,out of nowhere,a memory blindsides you.”
Lisa Schroeder
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“I'm an artist not an athlete.”
Lisa Schroeder
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“It makes no sense. Please, help me. I need it to make sense.”
Lisa Schroeder
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“When he opens the door, I step in and an army of memories comes at me from all sides.”
Lisa Schroeder
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“He was a character.A character who should still be here. Damn it all to hell.He should still be here.”
Lisa Schroeder
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“Love is the answer. Not fear.”
Lisa Schroeder
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“Music can change the mood in a drumbeat.”
Lisa Schroeder
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“Honey, no matter where you are, I’m with you.When the breeze brushes your cheek, that’s me.When the stars sparkle and shine, that’s me.When the tulips bloom in the spring, that’s me.”The little things.She’s there,in the little things.”
Lisa Schroeder
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“Today there's no one here, so I find a rock and open my notebookfilled with letters to Lucca,reading them,noticing how the lettersdecreased in frequencyover the past couple of months.When i started,shortly after he died,I wrote them every day.I hurt so bad, I wanted to scream,but I couldn't,so my words on the pagebecame a diary of the pain.”
Lisa Schroeder
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“I peelhiss tense fingerson his right handaway fromthe steering wheel, onetwothreefourfive.With each finger,the scowldiappearsa little more. when i placehis hand onmy legand gentlycaress it, he smiles.That's better.”
Lisa Schroeder
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“Many times when I read a book, I want to savor each word, each phrase, each page, loving the prose so much, I don’t want it to end. Other times the story pulls me in, and I can hardly read fast enough, the details flying by, some of them lost because all that matters is making sure the character is all right when it’s over.”
Lisa Schroeder
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“Heads: This girlTails: That girl”
Lisa Schroeder
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“La vida es malacon todo lo bueno.Los tiburones mortalescon las hermosas estrellas de mar.Las olas gigantescon los castillos de arena.La ruidosa letracon el ritmo de la música.La enfermedad hepáticacon el amor de un padre e hijo.El regalizcon el limón y la lima.Es la vida.Dulce, hermosa,viento en tu cara,aire en tus pulmones,besos en tus labiosvida.”
Lisa Schroeder
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“I swear he is there,his arms outstretched,the waterfall beneath him,cascading into thecool bluewater below.Go on, Ava. It’s going to be great!It’s not a dare.Not this time.But it’s almost like I’m on that high dive again,scared of what comes next,yet knowing at the same timeit will all be okay.”
Lisa Schroeder
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“Good-bye, Jackson.I will LOVE you 4ever.”
Lisa Schroeder
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“That’s my girl.Live a good life, Ava.”
Lisa Schroeder
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“It's likethe silencethat follows the beautiful song.Or the darknessthat follows the glitter in the air.He knewwhat to doto make it better.As I walk toward the door,I take a deep breath.I knowwhat to doto make it better.As heembraced me,I willtry to embracethis daythat follows the day before.”
Lisa Schroeder
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“I wishfor the breeze toblow awayour troubles.I wish for the sun todry outour sorrows.I wish for the friendshipto fill upour hearts.”
Lisa Schroeder
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“If anything,he sparkeda fireinside of me,making me want to live again.”
Lisa Schroeder
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“Memories fall like snowflakes upon my dreams. The snowflakes toss and tumble, each different and yet the same.”
Lisa Schroeder
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“Y en ese momentoCierro los ojosy deseo.Deseoque la brisase llevenuestros problemas.Deseoque el solsequenuestro dolor.Deseoque la amistadllenenuestros corazones.Abro los ojos.En este momento sólo veo bien.Quiero que él lo vea también.”
Lisa Schroeder
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“Muchas vecescuando leo un libro,quiero saborearcada palabra,cada frase,cada página,amando tanto la prosa,que no quieroque termine.En otras ocasionesla historia me atrae,y no puedoleer lo suficientemente rápido,los detalles pasan volando,algunos de ellos perdidosporque todo lo que importaes asegurarse de queel personajeestá biencuando haya terminado.”
Lisa Schroeder
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“I'll wait for you at the finish line.”
Lisa Schroeder
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“Absence makes the heart grow desperate.”
Lisa Schroeder
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“Was it hard?” I ask.“Letting go?”“Not as hard as holding on to something thatwasn’t real.”I gulp. “Can I ask how you did it?”“I just decided, Ava.That’s all.I just decided.”
Lisa Schroeder
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“But repaying a debtmeans giving up things.Making sacrifices.If I sacrifice my heartfor Jackson,will I be deadtoo?”
Lisa Schroeder
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“His warm voicetiptoes into thequiet room.”
Lisa Schroeder
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“When you meet someoneso different from yourself,in a good way,you don’t even have to kissto have fireworks go off.”
Lisa Schroeder
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“What's your favorite movie?...that should be our question. When we don't know what to say. Movies are a safe topic. What's wrong with the standard 'how's it going?' because all you get is 'Okay' or 'Fine', and then what? You're back where you started. It's a useless question. Like anyone is going to tell you how it's really going.”
Lisa Schroeder
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“I talk and crywhile Nico sits and listens.Like we've been friends forever.Finally, I use the shirtto wipe the tearsand take a deep breath.We're quietfor a long timeand then Nico pointsto a pair of boxer shorts on the floor."I'm glad you picked the shirt.”
Lisa Schroeder
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“He lived.He made it. A second chance,given to oneand not the other.And this?This is what he did with it?”
Lisa Schroeder
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“Life is the badwith all the good.The deadly sharkswith the beautiful sea stars.The gigantic waveswith the sand castles.The licoricewith the lemon and lime.The loud lyricswith the rhythm of the music.The liver diseasewith the love of a father and son.It’s life.Sweet, beautiful, wind on your face,air in your lungs, kisses on your”
Lisa Schroeder
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“I want him to live,” he says.I watch, helpless, as the pain slips out.Tears fallwhen he whispers, “But damn it, I want to live, too.”
Lisa Schroeder
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“I see you.The real you.The you who fillips a coin, hoping to understandhow fate works:this choice or that choice,ultimately leaving youno choice at all.The you who smilesand tries to be happybecause that’s what people want you to be.”
Lisa Schroeder
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“We have a lot of questions, and we want to understand.Music helps with that .Music helps with everything.”
Lisa Schroeder
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“One outerpaddles aroundon his back, spinning a blue ballon his tummy.I could watch them for hours.Because they get it.They get that life is short and you should justforget the crapand have fun.”
Lisa Schroeder
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“It brings me back to the moment, and I want to livethe moment with everything I’ve got.”
Lisa Schroeder
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“Anticipation is the best alarm there is, and it shookme awake before my phone even had the chance.”
Lisa Schroeder
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“In the quiet of the night, Brooklyn baby tucked in tight.Close your eyes, everything's all right.Dreams will take you to the light.Like a star, you're lovely and bright.So sleep baby girl, sleep all night.”
Lisa Schroeder
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“I'd reply, love doesn't tell time.Love is simply thereor it isn't.Everyday,in every way,it was there.”
Lisa Schroeder
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