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Liz Grace Davis

Liz Grace Davis is a Namibian author. She grew up in Angola, Namibia, South Africa and Germany. She now lives with her husband in Vienna, Austria.

Growing up, Liz spent most of her days in school libraries, diving into the world of books.

In her spare time she loves to travel as well as creating jewelry and digital scrapbooks. She's in her element when she is doing anything that requires creativity.

Liz is the author of a young adult fantasy novel, Tangi's Teardrops, and a romantic women's fiction novel, Chocolate Aftertaste.

“She would also be creating her own bridal bouquet. She wanted to feel the fragility and softness of each petal. And to make the single flowers stronger than they’d been separately. Just as she was stronger now, together with people who loved and accepted her.”
Liz Grace Davis
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“I’m here to help you. You deserve more than this world will ever offer you.”
Liz Grace Davis
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“I need a friend and you seemed nicest. I think you and I can have more fun than those fake people on the other side.”
Liz Grace Davis
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“It won’t be the same. Just because we have the choice of having anything we want without having to lift a finger, we don’t have to take the shortcut. As you’ve seen, we enjoy doing most of the things by ourselves. Food cooked or a house built by hand is more precious.”
Liz Grace Davis
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“The reason you’re being treated so badly is because you don’t belong in Mimbeye. As long as you’re there, you’ll experience pain. If you want to escape it, you should come where you belong.”
Liz Grace Davis
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“She would prove to everyone she could do everything. She wouldn’t let her disability be an excuse, wouldn’t give anyone reason to pity her.”
Liz Grace Davis
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