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Liz Reinhardt

Liz Reinhardt is a perpetually homesick NJ native who migrated to the deep South a decade ago with her funny kid, motor-head husband, and growing pack of mutts. She's a fanatical book lover with no reading prejudices and a wide range of genre loves, but her heart will always skip a beat for YA. In her spare time she likes to listen to corny jokes her kid reads to her from ice-pop sticks, watch her husband get dirty working on cars, travel whenever she can scrape together a few bucks, and gab on the phone incessantly with her bestie, writer Steph Campbell. She likes Raisinets even if they aren't real candy, the Oxford comma even though it's nerdy, and airports even when her plane is delayed. When she isn't writing, Liz Reinhardt teaches a fantastic group of diverse 8th graders in Savannah, GA. Rebels Like Us, her latest YA novel, is full of hot kisses, angst, homesickness, and laughs that are almost as good as the ones that come from the stick of a melty ice-pop.​

“So you like me because I can think like a rebel, but I act like a good girl?”
Liz Reinhardt
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“Why don't you wear those tiny shorts when you run, like they do in the movies?" His voice was low and sexy, and he knew it."Because I'm not in a movie. I know it's confusing, since you obviously live 'The Saxon Show' day and night, but some of us want to live a boring, old, normal high school life, you know?”
Liz Reinhardt
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“Love is hard. It's forgiving your best friend when you want to shove her away.”
Liz Reinhardt
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“I love you. I love you. And I know you didn't ask yet and don't have a ring and don't know when this will all happen, but my answer is definitely 'yes.”
Liz Reinhardt
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“And then I save up for a ring and ask you to marry me. And then, if everything goes the way I want, you agree. And then whatever you want. As long as you're with me, I know things will be alright”
Liz Reinhardt
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“How can I miss someone so badly when we're in the same room?”
Liz Reinhardt
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“Tell me. Tell me why you think you're leaving me again. Because you're not, you know. You're not leaving without me”
Liz Reinhardt
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“I don't deserve you”
Liz Reinhardt
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“I've loved one girl. That's you, Evan Lennox”
Liz Reinhardt
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“It would be a bad thing because I'm afraid to gamble with your heart, Evan. I'm afraid to hurt you.”
Liz Reinhardt
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“You deserve better that what I've given you”
Liz Reinhardt
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“Hey beautiful. You have a minute for me?”
Liz Reinhardt
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“You make me believe in a lot of things I never thought I would”
Liz Reinhardt
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“I wanted to call you. See you. You have no idea how bad I wanted to”
Liz Reinhardt
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“I don’t think you realise how much you like him Brenna. I think it’s ridiculous and irritating, especially considering what you could have right here, but I’m not judging.”
Liz Reinhardt
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“There are things I want, too. Things I want to change. I’m tired of only being there for a good time, Brenna. I’m tired of being a corrupter of the people I love. I no one wants to be the perpetual fuck up.”
Liz Reinhardt
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“I’m fucked up,” he admitted. “But I could be better than I am. With you, I know I could be. Give me half a chance,” he pleaded.”
Liz Reinhardt
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“Forget all of our past bullshit, okay? I’ve got less than a handful of days to convince you that I’m not a complete douche bag, and I want a fair shot. Give it to me.”
Liz Reinhardt
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“I wanted this to be easy. I wanted to know for sure who I loved and why. I wanted to be in love without a hint of doubt.But I realised that I could want as hard as I liked; the reality was already messier than I liked. I was in over my head … and I had a panicked feeling that I wasn’t going to be able to manoeuvre this without screwing up big time.”
Liz Reinhardt
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“I swear to you, I will rip this world and every other one apart to get to you if you need me.”
Liz Reinhardt
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“His mouth closes in on mine, and that single second before our lips meet spins out for eternity. And it makes graphs and flow-charts and PowerPoints underlining all the reasons we should absolutely not be doing this.But we are.We so completely are.Winch walks me back to the bed and lies me down, his entire body pressed long and perfectly weighted over mine. He kisses me with a gentle, coaxing pressure for a few minutes, like he's taking my temperature, gauging my heart rate, and determining if I'm in.I'm all in.”
Liz Reinhardt
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“He's the path lined with wildflowers, And I'm Red Riding Hood. I've been warned, but I just can't resist the blossom and perfume that calls me over.”
Liz Reinhardt
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“Now my heart is desperate in my chest, like a bird crashing into a window over and over again, confused that it can't get to what it sees and wants, and willing to kill itself in the attempt to remedy that.”
Liz Reinhardt
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“You're welcome, ma'am."My head whips up at the ma'am.Not that I haven't heard that word spilled like sticky sweet syrup from a thousand mouths of a thousand boys who've been born and bred to use it everyday.There's something about this boy, the way that word just slides off his tongue, buoyed with cautious respect and elegant pleasure.Like he loves saying the word.Like his lips weigh the worth of it.”
Liz Reinhardt
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“I hand over some files to and her eyes meet mine, all cool and sweet like a snow-cone in July.”
Liz Reinhardt
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“You’ve fought for me. You’ve challenged me. You’ve begged me and left me and come back to me”
Liz Reinhardt
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“He’s kissing like he doesn’t have a minute to waste, like I’ll evaporate under his hands if he doesn’t keep pace.”
Liz Reinhardt
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“To hold you. To smell your hair and hope you don’t notice and think I’m some sort of psychotic. To watch the way the light moves over your skin. I want you to get chilly and sleepy and need to press your body tight to mine, and I want to wrap my arms around you. I want whatever you write in that secret book of yours about me to be worth all the other rotten shit you’re going to wind up accepting down the line.”
Liz Reinhardt
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“You run away for freedom. You run away because you can’t be trapped by the people who love you but don’t understand you. You run away because you want to be missed, you want them to start a worried search party combing far and wide for any scrap of evidence that you’re going to be back, safe and sound. Running away is a way to play a dirty trick on the perfect fate that will suffocate you if you’re not careful.”
Liz Reinhardt
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“It’s about how love can be so complicated and huge and beautiful, and how there’s enough of it for everyone we ever meet.”
Liz Reinhardt
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“I'll spend the rest of my life falling as far and deep and hard as my heart will let me go in love with this perfect, crazy girl who taught me to let go and hold on. I know in that minute I'll be Evan's fall guy until the day I die, and my future, for the first time in my life, is an always I can't wait to fall into.”
Liz Reinhardt
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“That I love her, that I want her, that I'm never going anywhere, that she and I are going to last. That this is real. That it’s forever.”
Liz Reinhardt
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“So I get ready to let go and free-fall in the scariest jump of my life. But she's with me. So I swallow my fear and do it.”
Liz Reinhardt
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“You're the fall guy, Winch. You're the guy they come to when no one else will stand up and take their medicine. And they come to you because you never make them stand up and take it.”
Liz Reinhardt
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“What he doesn't realize is that I'm already standing at the bottom, waiting to catch him. And I never miss.”
Liz Reinhardt
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“Darling, family can be the very devil in disguise. More powerful than any drug, more alluring than any sin. They can demand a loyalty that will rip your heart out and chew it up without the thought of an apology.”
Liz Reinhardt
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“Sometimes is all we really have anyway, right? Nothing is always.”
Liz Reinhardt
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“Dresses that are complicated," she says softly, the smile on her lips pure wicked fun, "are essential to teach girls that they shouldn't bother with guys who won't figure out how to take off a dress.”
Liz Reinhardt
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“I will never break your heart. I will never hurt you. I might fuck up, I might not be perfect, but I'll never hurt you, Evan. You have my word.”
Liz Reinhardt
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“We met in court. I don't think we qualify as good decision makers.”
Liz Reinhardt
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“I'm powerless against a bad boy and his hot kisses.”
Liz Reinhardt
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“I could never hurt you as bad as you try to hurt yourself,”
Liz Reinhardt
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“I don’t want to be your God damn friend”
Liz Reinhardt
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“Was she someone special?” I hoped it might be for a lot of reasons.“Yeah, Bren. I proposed to her right after she let me feel her up in someone’s parent’s bathroom at a house party. It was magical.”
Liz Reinhardt
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“It’s not just a damn game. Whatever it is that I feel for you is more real than anything I’ve ever felt before.”
Liz Reinhardt
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“I should haven’t gotten all self-righteous on you. If you want to strip on a pole… well, I’ll stand guard with a gun, but I’ll support you.”
Liz Reinhardt
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“You’re deceptively good, Blix. Just the perfect amount of bitch to be sexy.”
Liz Reinhardt
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“I fell again, head over heels, uncontrollably and without a chance to grab hold before it swallowed me hard and whole.”
Liz Reinhardt
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“Just you and me. That's all, Jake. I know it might not be perfect. I don't want or expect perfect. I just want you.”
Liz Reinhardt
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“So I knew this wasn't going to be one of those things where I liked a guy and then this awful girl liked him, and I got the guy because I was so wholesome and right and good. This was real life. In real life, I had to get a serious grip.”
Liz Reinhardt
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