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L.J. Smith

I have a new blog about my Vampire Diaries fanfic.

L.J. SMITH, Lisa Jane Smith, is the New York Times #1 Bestselling author of The Vampire Diaries, The Secret Circle, The Forbidden Game, Dark Visions, Wildworld and Night World series. She has written over two dozen books for children and young adults, and has enjoyed writing every one of them. She lives in the Bay Area of California, with a backyard that is full of flowers, which she adores, especially with many different shades of roses.

She loves to visit a friend's little cabin in the Point Reyes National Seashore area, which has lots of trees, lots of animals, lots of beaches to walk on, and lots of places to hike. Once, while hiking, she saw a snow-white buck which allowed her to follow it nearly half a mile. She also likes to collect things: angels (they remind her of her late mother), tiny boxes from different countries or of fanciful shape, nineteenth century children's literature, and books about quantum physics--especially about the mystery of the dark energy in the universe. A militant optimist, she is also part of the Velociraptor Sisterhood (a fancy way of saying that she likes to read, write and discuss books with strong female characters), and she has traveled extensively in Europe and the Far East. The two countries she loves to visit most are Great Britain, with its historic monuments and amazing country landscapes, and Japan, with its bustling urban life and exquisite mountain scenery.

Her favorite current writer is Terry Pratchett, the author of the Discworld series, for its wild and witty satires on life, death, war, love, assassins, coppers, and Australia. Her favorite classical writer is Jane Austen. Her favorite poets are Robert Frost and Emily Dickinson. Her favorite movies are The Seven Samurai and Avatar (analyze that!). She doesn't have a favorite TV show, because she doesn't have time to watch TV (and only owns one for playing movies).

Her favorite people are her readers, each of whom she cherishes with deep and lasting affection.

Note: L. J. Smith wrote books 1-7 of The Vampire Diaries series. After that, a ghostwriter took over the rest of the series. L. J. wrote books 1-3 of The Secret Circle series. After that, a ghostwriter took over the rest of the series. L. J. did not write any of the Originals or Stefan's Diaries. These were written by Kevin Williamson and/or various ghostwritters.

“I wasn't afraid to die. But, as odd as it was after our years of fighting, I was afraid to live in a world without Damon. My brother was callous, rude, and destructive. And yet he had saved me on more than one occasion during our time in London. He was the one on whom I could count when no one else could be trusted. He was all I had.”
L.J. Smith
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“Nothing that's worth anything is ever simple. That's what makes it worth it”
L.J. Smith
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“Blood mattered. Damon mattered. Even if i wished he didn't.”
L.J. Smith
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“Haven't you learned by now?" Damon asked, glancing sharply at me. "Nothing's easy”
L.J. Smith
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“And this is how the ending starts.”
L.J. Smith
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“I would have thought even you could understand such a simple sentence, Father. Shall I repeat it in Latin for you?”
L.J. Smith
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“She bit delicately down on a breadstick, holding it between her teeth.."Mind if I have a Bite" Shock snapped her eyes wide open and froze her breath..dark eyes dominating her field of vision, a whiff of some kind of calogne in her nostrils, two long fingers tilting her chin up. Damon leaned in, and neatly and precisely, bit off the other end of the bread stick.”
L.J. Smith
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“Our life is one, big proverbial coin toss.”
L.J. Smith
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“I'm playing with fire, with something I don't understand.”
L.J. Smith
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“But where Katherine was a white kitten, Elena was a white tigress.”
L.J. Smith
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“Damon: "What about me?"Rebekah: "You have a nice behind.”
L.J. Smith
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“We belong to 2 different races, races that hate each other. There's no way to get around that”
L.J. Smith
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“It took me a while to get myself untied. Every time I meet you , I seem to end up hog-tied and unconscious”
L.J. Smith
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“Why don't you sparkle?"-"Because I live in the real world, where vampires burst into flames.”
L.J. Smith
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“¡Ese vocabulario, queridos! Qué os parece esto: uno de vosotros ha guardado un secreto toda su vida, y lo sigue haciendo en estos momentos. Uno de vosotros es un asesino; y no estoy hablando de un vampiro, ni de eutanasia ni nada por el estilo. Y luego está la cuestión de la verdadera identidad de Sage... ¡Buena suerte con vuestra investigación ahí! A uno de vosotros ya le han borrado la memoria... y no me refiero a Damon o a Stefan. ¿Y qué hay del misterioso beso robado? Y luego está la cuestión de lo sucedido en la noche del motel, que parece que nadie excepto Elena puede recordar. Podríais preguntarle algo sobre sus teorías respecto a Camelot.”
L.J. Smith
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“No le sorprendió, tampoco, sentir una doble perforacIón en la garganta al echar la cabeza atrás: su preciosa pantera sólo estaba un poco domesticada en realidad, y necesitaba aprender algunas cosas básicas sobre la etiqueta de las citas, por ejemplo, que uno besa antes de morder.”
L.J. Smith
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“Quería a Stefan. Y a Damon su orgullo jamás le permitiría pedirle a Elena lo que sólo él deseaba, e igualmente tampoco le permitiría tomarlo sin que ella consintiera... O eso esperaba.”
L.J. Smith
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“¿Stefan? No estoy segura de que Damon comprenda lo que significa ser amado.”
L.J. Smith
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“Sin tratar de influenciarla, seguía extendiendo sus enormes y suaves alas oscuras alrededor de ella para que no tuviera ningún lugar adonde correr, ningún lugar al que huir. Elena sintió que empezaba a desmayarse con la intensidad de la pasión que había forjado entre ellos y, como un gesto definitivo, no de repudio, sino de invitación, arqueó la cabeza hacia atrás, mostrándole la garganta desnuda, y dejó que percibiera su ansia. Y como si repicaran grandes campanas de cristal a lo lejos, sintió el júbilo de Damon ante su rendición voluntaria a la aterciopelada oscuridad que caía sobre ella.No llegó a sentir los dientes que perforaban la piel y reclamaban su sangre. Antes de que eso sucediese veía estrellas. Y luego los oscuros ojos de Damon engulleron el universo.”
L.J. Smith
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“Elena colocó resueltamente sus propias manos a la espalda. Damon no era un sentimental, ni siquiera cuando se ponía en plan «Príncipe de la Noche». La rosa probablemente tenía algo que ver con el viaje que llevaban a cabo.”
L.J. Smith
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“Where does the flame of a candle go after is faded?”
L.J. Smith
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“It's not wrong to hustle hustlers. It's like killing murderers, a public service. -Damon Salvatore”
L.J. Smith
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“Things that really, really hurt are the right things to do.”
L.J. Smith
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“The dark emotions everyone hid in their depths weren't all of who they really were. They weren't their true selves.”
L.J. Smith
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“If I let myself care, all I'll feel is pain.”
L.J. Smith
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“That's how I want to go. Taking my own way out and totally pissing everybody off at the end.”
L.J. Smith
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“Soy yo la que está fuera de lugar. Y lo peor es que siento que hay algún lugar al que pertenezco, solo que no logro encontrarlo.”
L.J. Smith
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“Very touching," said a voice from the stairway. "Do you want me to imitate a violin?" - Damon”
L.J. Smith
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“Stefan was the one who ... the one she loved. But he'd never understood that love was not singular. He'd never understood that she could be in love with Damon and that it would never change an atom's worth of her love for him. Or that his lack of understanding had been so wrenching and painful that she had felt torn in two different people at times.”
L.J. Smith
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“I am what I want to be," he said. "You forgot that— and that was your mistake.”
L.J. Smith
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“There is no good and evil, only black and white. But either black or white on its own is boring, Jenny. If you mix them you get so many colors— so many colors...”
L.J. Smith
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“You see how it is with us? You can't fight it any more than I can. You've tried; you've done everything you can to kill it. But you can't kill my love for you.”
L.J. Smith
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“I don't think you understand," he said. "I'm going to have you, at any cost. Any cost, Jenny, even if you have to suffer on the way. If I can't force you, I'll persuade you— and I can be very persuasive.”
L.J. Smith
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“I could quit the committee. But that would leave Bonnie and Meredith holding the bag. And I keep remembering what Matt said when I asked him to get Stefan to come to the dance: "You want everybody and everything revolving around Elena Gilbert." That isn't true. Or at least, if it has been in the past, I'm not going to let it be true anymore. I want--oh, this is going to sound completely stupid, but I want to be worthy of Stefan. I know he wouldn't let the guys on the team down just to suit his own convenience. I want him to be proud of me.I want him to love me as much as I love him.”
L.J. Smith
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“Okay," Caroline said. She didn't sound as frightened as everybody else. That was the advantage to having no imagination, Bonnie thought. You couldn't picture the terrible things that were going to happen to you.”
L.J. Smith
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“And in the mean time I'll fight dragons, just like any knight for his lady.”
L.J. Smith
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“CASSIE: Please stay, bound or not, you are my sister. You are the only family I have left.DIANA: No matter where I go, that is never gonna change. But I have got to get our of here. I've lost everything. I don't even know who I am any more.”
L.J. Smith
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“You want a love that consumes you. You want passion and adventure, and even a little danger... I want you to get everything you're looking for. But for right now, I want you to forget that this happened. Can't have people knowing I'm in town yet. Goodnight, Elena.”
L.J. Smith
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“I'm sorry Elena. I know that you want to help, but put yourself in her shoes, everything that happened tonight was to save you and that's OK because she loves you so much. But somehow she's always the one who gets hurt.”
L.J. Smith
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“Damon: Is it working? Being in her world? Does it make you feel alive?”
L.J. Smith
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“Damon knew the truth. Stefan was dead all right - but he had been dead for hundreds of years. And it was true that he was a vampire, but calling him a demon was like calling Tinkerbell armed and dangerous.”
L.J. Smith
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“I won't feel. . . But that was impossible. She couldn't help feeling.”
L.J. Smith
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“Wherever her feet pass, white flowers part the grass.”
L.J. Smith
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“Days are precious, dinna lose them. Flo`ers will fade and so will ye... Come to me, ye fair young maidens. While young and fair ye still may be.”
L.J. Smith
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“They blossom ever where you tread... Wild roses bloody red.”
L.J. Smith
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“Awakening will be sudden and shocking. You and I must be there for her awakening. We won`t be there for (her?) later on. That`s for other hands to do.”
L.J. Smith
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“And Elwyn, if you disturb me before dawn, I promise, I will turn you into a train of thought, and lose you.”
L.J. Smith
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“Now get out of my way, or finish life as a pile of cinders.”
L.J. Smith
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“It means she chose light over darkness. I want people to know that so they'll always remember.I always will.Bonnie McCullough”
L.J. Smith
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“Damon, leather and silk and fine chiseled features. Mercurial and devastating.”
L.J. Smith
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