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L.J. Smith

I have a new blog about my Vampire Diaries fanfic.

L.J. SMITH, Lisa Jane Smith, is the New York Times #1 Bestselling author of The Vampire Diaries, The Secret Circle, The Forbidden Game, Dark Visions, Wildworld and Night World series. She has written over two dozen books for children and young adults, and has enjoyed writing every one of them. She lives in the Bay Area of California, with a backyard that is full of flowers, which she adores, especially with many different shades of roses.

She loves to visit a friend's little cabin in the Point Reyes National Seashore area, which has lots of trees, lots of animals, lots of beaches to walk on, and lots of places to hike. Once, while hiking, she saw a snow-white buck which allowed her to follow it nearly half a mile. She also likes to collect things: angels (they remind her of her late mother), tiny boxes from different countries or of fanciful shape, nineteenth century children's literature, and books about quantum physics--especially about the mystery of the dark energy in the universe. A militant optimist, she is also part of the Velociraptor Sisterhood (a fancy way of saying that she likes to read, write and discuss books with strong female characters), and she has traveled extensively in Europe and the Far East. The two countries she loves to visit most are Great Britain, with its historic monuments and amazing country landscapes, and Japan, with its bustling urban life and exquisite mountain scenery.

Her favorite current writer is Terry Pratchett, the author of the Discworld series, for its wild and witty satires on life, death, war, love, assassins, coppers, and Australia. Her favorite classical writer is Jane Austen. Her favorite poets are Robert Frost and Emily Dickinson. Her favorite movies are The Seven Samurai and Avatar (analyze that!). She doesn't have a favorite TV show, because she doesn't have time to watch TV (and only owns one for playing movies).

Her favorite people are her readers, each of whom she cherishes with deep and lasting affection.

Note: L. J. Smith wrote books 1-7 of The Vampire Diaries series. After that, a ghostwriter took over the rest of the series. L. J. wrote books 1-3 of The Secret Circle series. After that, a ghostwriter took over the rest of the series. L. J. did not write any of the Originals or Stefan's Diaries. These were written by Kevin Williamson and/or various ghostwritters.

“She was with her flying companion-her playmate. The one who was sacred to her, who was the other half of the mysteries of life for her. The one who would always be there for her, helping her, watching her back, picking her up when she fell down, listening to her stories-no matter how many times she told them. Loving her even when she was stupid. Understanding her without words. Being inside the innermost circle in her mind.Her soulmate.”
L.J. Smith
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“There was a silence. Hannah's own heart was twisted with the force of her love for him. Her eyes were full.”
L.J. Smith
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“Even if you kill her, she'll still be alive-here." He tapped his chest. "In me. I keep her here. She's part of me. So until you kill me, you can't really kill her. And you can't win. It's that simple.”
L.J. Smith
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“But Thierry was shaking his head. "It doesn't matter." His voice was still quiet, but it was filled with the authority of absolute conviction, a kind of bedrock certainty that held even Hannah mesmerized.”
L.J. Smith
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“She was the one who was supposed to have walked with him through different lives, being born and loving and dying and being born again. They'd been born for each other, to help each other grow and blossom and discover and evolve.”
L.J. Smith
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“Our minds work alike, she thought. She had found her partner, her equal, the one to work and live and love with her. Her soulmate.”
L.J. Smith
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“It's the idea that everyone has one and just one soulmate in the world, and that if you find them, you recognize them immediately.”
L.J. Smith
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“It was as if the normal veil that separated two people had melted.”
L.J. Smith
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“And then it was all happening, what had started to happen at least twice before. Feelings so sweet and strong she could hardly bear it. Strange recognition, unexpected belonging…impossible knowing…”
L.J. Smith
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“It means that there's only one love for everyone who exists. And when you meet that love, you know them. You know you were meant to be together, and nothing can keep you apart.”
L.J. Smith
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“For a moment he wondered, again, if he should just give it all up. Perhaps he should go back to Italy, back to his hiding place. What made him think that he could rejoin the world of daylight?But he was tired of living in shadows. He was tired of the darkness, and of the things that lived in it. Most of all, he was tired of being alone.”
L.J. Smith
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“Not that he regretted having killed the guy in Stockton. The one who'd been ready to shoot him over the five crumpled dollar bills in his jeans pocket. He was quite happy to have sent that particular home boy to hell.”
L.J. Smith
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“You love her, don't you?' [Rob] said to Gabriel.Gabriel finall seemed able to break their locked stare. He looked away, at the carpet. His face was bleak.Yes' he saidMore than anything,' Rob persisted. 'You'd crawl on your belly over broken glass for her. Easy.'Yes, damn you,' Gabriel said. 'Happy now?”
L.J. Smith
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“Kaitlyn is that kind of girl that might be too interesting, might tempt you to get involved... A girl who challenged him, who could be my equal... Her mind was a place of blue pools and blazing meteors... She stood slim and proud as some medival witch princess against dawn."-Gabriel”
L.J. Smith
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“Good night, Gabriel.' [Kaitlyn] saidYou jerk[Gabriel] widened his eyes. 'Don't you want to stay? It's a big bed.”
L.J. Smith
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“By the way'[Gabriel] said,' everyone else had better keep out of here. After you spend so much time in lockup, you get to like your space. You get kind of territorial. I wouldn't want anybody to get hurt.' ... Gabriel gave [Kaitlyn] a long, measuring look. Then he flashed a brilliant, unsettling smile. 'You can come in any time you like”
L.J. Smith
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“More than anything." Rob persisted. "You'd crawl on your belly over broken glass for her. Easy.”
L.J. Smith
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“And her slender white neck was bowed over her book, the fair hair falling on either side of it”
L.J. Smith
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“My first kiss and I'm comatose. Great.”
L.J. Smith
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“James, pull over, I want to kiss you.”
L.J. Smith
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“Oh yeah? How about M'Lin the cursed?”
L.J. Smith
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“If somebody had said last week that I'd be in... involved... with a human, I'd have knocked his head off. I mean, after howls of derisive laughter. But.”
L.J. Smith
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“QUINN; You always look after Number One, don't you?ASH; Doesn't everybody?”
L.J. Smith
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“Julian said the world was evil and horrible - remember? But then he proved himself that it wasn't”
L.J. Smith
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“No, I'll dream another dream," he said. "I've made up so many things, now I'll just go into one. I'll be part of it.”
L.J. Smith
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“I love you," she said. "You made me fall in love with you. I don't care how tall you are or what color your hair is-I care about you. You make me laugh. You're smart. You're gentle. And you're real, you're a real person, not some jock with a facade that's going to fall apart when I get to know him. I know you already, and I love you, you idiot. I don't care what you do with toilet paper.”
L.J. Smith
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“You can't just go out-No, I'll dream another dream.”
L.J. Smith
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“You showed me what it was like to love. What the world could be like, if”
L.J. Smith
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“I need you like - like light. You're light, all right - like a flame to a moth. I told you once that you shouldn't mess with forbidden things - I should have taken my own advice.”
L.J. Smith
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“If you lose, there's the devil to pay.”
L.J. Smith
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“I never cheat. I practice Gamesmanship - the art of winning games without actually cheating.”
L.J. Smith
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“I'm going to kiss you... until you faint”
L.J. Smith
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“I'm in love with you. I think everything you do is marvelous.”
L.J. Smith
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“You don't need right - if you have strength”
L.J. Smith
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“I fell in love with you. I didn't do it on purpose”
L.J. Smith
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“War and hunting and chasing-that's all there is. That's life, Jenny-no one can escape it.”
L.J. Smith
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“Love and death are everything, Jenny. Danger is the best part of the game. I thought you knew that." -Julian”
L.J. Smith
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“I have never been in love before," Julian said. "You're my first-and you'll be my only.”
L.J. Smith
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“She was almost touching him, now. Looking up into his eyes. What she could feel in him was something she's only felt before when she gave him her life energy. Childlike, marveling joy. Trust and vulnerability. And such love…Then she was in his arms and they weren't separate beings any longer. Their minds were together, sharing thoughts, sharing a happiness beyond thought. Sharing everything.”
L.J. Smith
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“Gabriel was trying to smile, but the expression kept breaking apart. He was looking at her as if he hadn't seen her for years and years of searching, and had just now walked into a room and come upon her unexpectedly. As if he wanted to look at every part of her, now that he could do it honestly.”
L.J. Smith
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“She now knew that it was possible to love two people at once—because you could love them in different ways.”
L.J. Smith
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“With that, Kaitlyn realized that he'd seen as deeply into her mind as she'd seen into his. She had thought he was the one giving, while she had only received…but of course, he'd had to join with her completely in order to share his life with her.”
L.J. Smith
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“She wanted to tell him that she understood him now, in a way she'd never understood anyone before. Because she was with him. It wasn't even like being in the web; it was much closer than that, much deeper. He'd torn down all the barriers and put his soul into her hands.”
L.J. Smith
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“Then Rob looked back at Kait, slowly, and she knew that he was seeing her as an equal for the first time. An equal not just in brains or psychic powers or resourcefulness, but in every way, with exactly as much right to risk her life as he had to risk his.Equal and separate. It was as if at that moment they split apart, became two independent creatures. If Rob had ever had a fault in their relationship, it was thinking he had to protect her. And Kaitlyn had encouraged it in a way, by thinking that she needed to be protected. Now, all at once, they were both realizing it wasn't true.And once Kait knew that, she realized that in the last few minutes she had grown in his eyes. Rob respected her more, even loved her more than ever before…in a different way.”
L.J. Smith
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“I am the only one who can decide what will happen to me," Kaitlyn went on very quietly. "No one else. Me. And I've already made my decision. I'm going back to that place and I'm going to try to stop them any way I can. Whether you give me the shard or not is your decision, but I'm going back anyway.”
L.J. Smith
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“She was looking more sleazy than grungy today, in an orange top cut so low that you could ski down the bare skin in front.”
L.J. Smith
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“And it was good just to hold her and touch the softness of her skin. He wanted to hold her hard, not to hurt her but to keep her safe, to show her that he was strong enough to protect her. Her beauty was like fire and strange music, and he loved her.”
L.J. Smith
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“The magnetic pull only got stronger. She wanted to be held. She wanted him to hold her.”
L.J. Smith
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“Then the triumph was swept away by something much stronger and deeper. Something fierce and joyous-and pure. They were clinging together, he was holding her as hard as she was holding him.Electricity seemed to arc between them. Everywhere they touched Kaitlyn could feel the sparks. His hand tangled in her hair, and she was frighteningly moved by the tiny tugs, the little pain it caused as his fingers worked. His lips brushed against hers again and again.”
L.J. Smith
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“You've changed me, she thought. Not just showing me that boys aren't all pond scum. You've made me different, made me look at the broader picture. Given me vision.”
L.J. Smith
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