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L.J. Smith

I have a new blog about my Vampire Diaries fanfic.

L.J. SMITH, Lisa Jane Smith, is the New York Times #1 Bestselling author of The Vampire Diaries, The Secret Circle, The Forbidden Game, Dark Visions, Wildworld and Night World series. She has written over two dozen books for children and young adults, and has enjoyed writing every one of them. She lives in the Bay Area of California, with a backyard that is full of flowers, which she adores, especially with many different shades of roses.

She loves to visit a friend's little cabin in the Point Reyes National Seashore area, which has lots of trees, lots of animals, lots of beaches to walk on, and lots of places to hike. Once, while hiking, she saw a snow-white buck which allowed her to follow it nearly half a mile. She also likes to collect things: angels (they remind her of her late mother), tiny boxes from different countries or of fanciful shape, nineteenth century children's literature, and books about quantum physics--especially about the mystery of the dark energy in the universe. A militant optimist, she is also part of the Velociraptor Sisterhood (a fancy way of saying that she likes to read, write and discuss books with strong female characters), and she has traveled extensively in Europe and the Far East. The two countries she loves to visit most are Great Britain, with its historic monuments and amazing country landscapes, and Japan, with its bustling urban life and exquisite mountain scenery.

Her favorite current writer is Terry Pratchett, the author of the Discworld series, for its wild and witty satires on life, death, war, love, assassins, coppers, and Australia. Her favorite classical writer is Jane Austen. Her favorite poets are Robert Frost and Emily Dickinson. Her favorite movies are The Seven Samurai and Avatar (analyze that!). She doesn't have a favorite TV show, because she doesn't have time to watch TV (and only owns one for playing movies).

Her favorite people are her readers, each of whom she cherishes with deep and lasting affection.

Note: L. J. Smith wrote books 1-7 of The Vampire Diaries series. After that, a ghostwriter took over the rest of the series. L. J. wrote books 1-3 of The Secret Circle series. After that, a ghostwriter took over the rest of the series. L. J. did not write any of the Originals or Stefan's Diaries. These were written by Kevin Williamson and/or various ghostwritters.

“Why didn't you tell me?" he asked her after a small eternity. "I didn't--I didn't feel that way--until--so many things have happened..." Kaitlyn faltered. Of all things, she wanted to make Rob all right. Although now she saw that her love for him must have been changing for a long time, gradually, she didn't know how to explain that. "It's probaly just--I'll get over it. In a little while..." "Not that, you won't," Rob said. "Neither of you. I mean, I sure hope you don't." He sounded as incoherent as Kaitlyn felt, and he kept swallowing. But he went on doggedly, "Kait, I love you. You know I do. But this isn't something I can compete with." He stepped back. "I'm not blind. You two belong together.”
L.J. Smith
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“I love you, she told him."I love you, Kait. From the very beginning.”
L.J. Smith
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“Trust me, you can't play the game if you don't know the rules. And if you don't know the rules, someone's bound to get hurt.”
L.J. Smith
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“do no harm. help when you can. return good for evil.”
L.J. Smith
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“I love you." she whispered into the rough wool of his sweater.”
L.J. Smith
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“I'd rather cut my throat," she said.An intriguing thought. But I can do it so much more enjoyably.”
L.J. Smith
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“Some instinct older than civilization was telling her to run, to flee. She didn't move.”
L.J. Smith
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“When a caterpillar changes into a butterfly it loses it's caterpillar life.”
L.J. Smith
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“I used my brains to outsmart teachers—and that wasn't very smart at all.”
L.J. Smith
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“The poets and philosophers I once loved had it wrong. Death does not come to us all, nor does the passage of time dim our memories and reduce our bodies to dust. Because while I was considered dead, and a headstone had been engraved with my name, in truth my life was just beginning.”
L.J. Smith
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“You're talking!""I know I am.""And making sense!""Thank you kindly.""And in sentences!""I've noticed." - Stefan and Elena”
L.J. Smith
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“It was like a song, one of those sweet, wrenching songs that makes the hair on your arms stand up. That makes you want to throw yourself on the floor and just bawl. Or fall backward and surrender to the music utterly.”
L.J. Smith
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“I'm as cruel as life. As cruel as love.”
L.J. Smith
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“en garde, Julian. It's not over till it's over.”
L.J. Smith
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“Maybe it just means that love can be stronger than fear.”
L.J. Smith
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“The image isn't reality. Even though we're used to thinking that way alot of the time. We show a kid a picture of a dog and say 'This is a doggie' - but it's not. It's just an image.”
L.J. Smith
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“Wasnt it Startre who said hell was eternity spent in a room with your friends?”
L.J. Smith
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“Like a revolving door to hell.”
L.J. Smith
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“Ash held one finger up. "OK. Now listen-"Mary-Lynnette kicked him in the shins. She knew it was inapporopriate, she knew it was uncalled-for, but she couldn't stop herself. She just had to."Oh, for God's sake," Ash said, hopping backward. "Are you crazy?”
L.J. Smith
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“Look, I'll fight, too. What do you think it is? Bear, coyote...?""My brother.""Your..." Dismay pooled in Mark. She'd just stepped over the line of acceptable craziness. "Oh.”
L.J. Smith
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“All I refuse and thee I choose.”
L.J. Smith
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“Rumors spread fast, and they grow. I know. You want to either deny them, or disarm them”
L.J. Smith
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“Does everybody ever want everything they can have? really?”
L.J. Smith
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“The thing is- and I know this is going to sound strange-that I seem to love you sort of desperately”
L.J. Smith
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“You won't find Earth people, quite the easy mark you imagine”
L.J. Smith
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“You know, you've never really cared about anyone," he said. "But someday you will, and it's going to hurt. It's going to hurt a lot.”
L.J. Smith
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“Bad magic happens"Ash Redfern”
L.J. Smith
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“People die . . . so love them every day.Beauty fades . . . so look before it's gone.Love changes . . . but not the love you give.And if you love, you'll never be alone.”
L.J. Smith
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“Bonnie, believe in me. I’ll save you.I remember how to fly.”
L.J. Smith
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“And just then Damon stepped out of the coat closet, and at the same time Aunt Maggie tripped him neatly and said, “Bathroom door beside you,” and picked up a vase and hit the rising Damon over the head with it. Hard.”
L.J. Smith
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“Come on, it’s an American tradition. Apple soup? Mom’s homemade chicken pie?' She chuckled in spite of herself, then winced. 'It’s apple pie and Mom’s homemade chicken soup. But you didn’t do badly, for a start.”
L.J. Smith
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“Yeah, tell me I’m a bottle of single malt scotch, she thought. That’s the way to my heart.”
L.J. Smith
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“Why do people always assume that volume will succeed when logic won’t? - Damon”
L.J. Smith
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“Get away from my brother." - Damon”
L.J. Smith
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“Dear Diary, Oh, it's all too much to explain and you wouldn't believe it anyway. I'm going to bed. Bonnie”
L.J. Smith
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“The NIGHT WORLD isn't a place.It's all around us.The creatures of the night world are beautiful and deadly and irresisible to humans.Your best friend could be one-so could your crush.The laws of the NIGHT WORLD are very clear:humans must never learn that night world exists.And members of Night World must never fall in love with a human.Violate the laws and the consequences are terrifying.”
L.J. Smith
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“He looked at her then, and she could see he wasn't afraid."Nothing really dies as long as it's not forgotten," he said.”
L.J. Smith
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“For a moment, without thinking of anything else, Jenny was simply proud of him. Fiercely, passionately proud that a human, a seventeen-year-old who hadn't even heard of the Shadow Men until a month ago, could stand up to them like this. Could conceal his terror and smile that way and offer to die.”
L.J. Smith
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“Just the sight of him brought back everything that was good and homelike to her mind. It was like coming back to her own room after being away a long time with strangers.It was where she belonged.”
L.J. Smith
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“Jenny looked up quickly. "Do you believe in good and evil?""Oh, yes. Very strongly. And I believe that evil sometimes has to be fought—personally. Hand to hand. If you care enough to do it.”
L.J. Smith
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“He lied, Jenny thought, racing up the steps. He changed the rules and he lied. Sometimes you can't return good for evil; sometimes evil simply has to be stopped.”
L.J. Smith
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“Oh, all right, you big baby," she said. "If you really want it. I should have gotten you a rattle and a pacifier, too.”
L.J. Smith
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“They had been a couple for so long that everyone thought of them as Tom-and-Jenny, a single unit.”
L.J. Smith
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“Elena smiled and he had to smile back, at first just a quirk of the lip, and then a full smile. She was…Damn it, she was everything. Witty, enchanting, brave, smart…and beautiful. And he knew that his eyes were saying all that and that she wasn’t turning away.”
L.J. Smith
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“Ghouls weren't smart, but like the Energizer Bunny they kept going and going.”
L.J. Smith
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“I told you. You don't love someone because of their looks or their clothes or their car. You love them because they sing a song only your heart can understand.”
L.J. Smith
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“"I don't know; Killers are sort of romantic. Imagine your dying with his hands around his throat. He'd strangle the life out of you, and the last thing you would see would be his face."”
L.J. Smith
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“Okay. I'll help you fight. What do you think we're up against? Bears, Coyotes...""My Brother.”
L.J. Smith
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“Each night I lie and dream about the oneWho kissed me and awakened my desireI spent a single hour with him aloneAnd since that hour, my days are layed with fire.”
L.J. Smith
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“Jeremy: "Who did it? Wait-you think I did. Don't you?"Ash: "It did cross our minds at one point. Actually, it seemed to keep crossing them. Back and forth. Maybe we should put in a crosswalk.”
L.J. Smith
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