L.N. Cronk photo

L.N. Cronk

“Why?" I whispered. "Why do you love me?" "God told me to," she said softly. "He told me that you were the one." "When?" "In preschool - when you freaked out just because I got my hair cut."I pulled back from her and looked to see if she was serious.She was.”
L.N. Cronk
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“And what's worse,' she went on, 'is that on Sunday we're going to get back onto a plane and go back to our houses and our TVs and our hot tubs and we're going to forget about all this.''No we won't, Laci. We won't forget'She wiped her eyes and glared at me.'Yes, we will. You say we won't, but after we get home we'll feel differently. It won't ever feel like this again”
L.N. Cronk
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