In this world of credentialed experts, the author, L.N. Smith, is not one of them. In fact, his credentials are so unconvincing that he has chosen to publish under a humorous pen name instead of his real name. "L.N. Smith" is actually the abbreviation for a phrase that sets up a joke. (The clues to the full name are in Sunrise Over Disney.) Only time will tell if the joke is on him or on today's "credentialed experts."
“Every dollar you spend . . . or don't spend . . . is a vote you cast for the world you want.”
“The proper role of a free nation is to behave like a loving parent and help the less-free nations grow more mature . . . keeping in mind, of course, that the road to good parenting is seldom smooth, and that setting a good example is arguably the best teacher.”
“Early to learn, and see truth through the lies, makes a person . . . a nation . . . a world . . . healthy, wealthy and wise.”