Lois Gladys Leppard photo

Lois Gladys Leppard

Lois Gladys Leppard was the ever-popular and prolific writer of Mandie Books. She was also a professional singer, actress, and playwright. Lois studied at the New York School of Music and the Voice Beautiful Institute in New York under Glenn Morris Starkie. Additionally, she and her two sisters, Sibyl and Louise, sang professionally as the Larke Sisters and appeared in the operetta Bohemian Girl and were presented at Carnegie Hall. As a drama student, she was in the group that organized The Little Theater in her home town. She has written several plays and was employed with Columbia Pictures.

She wrote the first Mandie book, Mandie and The Secret Tunnel, when she was eleven years old. However, the book was not published until many years later.

“Love is such a magic thing. It can make you feel like you're floating in the clouds without a trouble in the world.”
Lois Gladys Leppard
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