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Lola Jaye

Lola Jaye is an author, registered psychotherapist and speaker who has penned six novels and a self-help book.

She was born and raised in London, England and has lived in Nigeria and the United States. She currently works as a psychotherapist. She has written for, CNN, HuffPost, Essence and the BBC and also speaks on issues of mental health and racism. She has also appeared on national television, most recently discussing Covid 19 and mental wellbeing. Lola once gave a presentation on imposter syndrome – a subject close to her heart, because at times she’s unable to believe she’s an actual writer!

The Attic Child (Macmillan) is her first epic historical novel.

Find out more about Lola and what she’s been up to by visiting her website;, Twitter, Instagram & Facebook.

“Remember this, - where there is life there is hope. You're alive. Embrace this, because YOU CAN DO ANYTHING while there is breath in your body.”
Lola Jaye
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“My mind remianed focused on the moment. Tommorow was another day. But I wanted to stay like this forever.”
Lola Jaye
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“I'd fallen marginally in lust with him”
Lola Jaye
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“Bad things always happened. People left, went away, and never came back.”
Lola Jaye
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