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Variously Longchenpa, Longchen Rabjampa, kLong-chen rab-'byams-pa, Klon-chen-pa Dri-med-'od-zer

“homage to glorious samantabhadra, the all-goodto timeless buddhahood, basic total presence,to unchanging spontaneity, the spacious vajra-heart,to the nature of mind - natural perfection,constantly, simply being, we bow down.”
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“pure mind is like the empty sky,without memory, supreme meditation;it is our own nature, unstirring, uncontrived,and wherever that abides is the superior mind,one in buddhahood without any sign,one in view free of limiting elaboration,one in meditation free of limiting ideation,one in conduct free of limiting endeavor,and one in fruition free of limiting attainment.vast! spacious!released as it stands!with neither realization nor non-realization;experience consummate! no mind!it is open to infinity.”
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“freedom attends reality:free at the core, any effort is wasted;timelessly free, no release is needed;free in itself, no corrective is possible;directly free, released in seeing;completely free, pure in nature;constantly free, familiarization is redundant;and naturally free, freedom cannot be contrived.yet 'freedom' is just a verbal convention,and who is 'realized' and who is not?how could anyone be 'liberated'?how could anyone be lost in samsara?reality is free of all delimitation!freedom is timeless, so constantly present;freedom is natural, so unconditional;freedom is direct, so pure vision obtains;freedom is unbounded, so no identity possible;freedom is unitary, so multiplicity is consumed.conduct changes nothing - our lives are already free!meditation achieves nothing - our minds are already free!the view realizes nothing - all dogma is freedom!fruition demands nothing - we are free as we are!”
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“in the universal womb that is boundless spaceall forms of matter and energy occuras flux of the four elements,but all are empty forms, absent in reality:all phenomena, arising in pure mind, are like that.just as dream is a part of sleep,unreal in its arising,so all and everything is pure mind,never separated from it,and without substance or attribute.experience is neither mind nor anything but mind;it is a vivid display of emptiness, like magical illusion,in the very moment inconceivable and unutterable.all experience arising in the mind,at its inception, know it as emptiness!”
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“we should cast aside all childish games that fetter and exhaust body, speech and mind; and stretching out in inconceivable nonaction, in the unstructured matrix, the actuality of emptiness, where the natural perfection of reality lies, we should gaze at the uncontrived sameness of every experience, all conditioning and ambition resolved with finality.”
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