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Lora Leigh

Lora Leigh lives in the rolling hills of Kentucky, often found absorbing the ambience of this peaceful setting. She dreams in bright, vivid images of the characters intent on taking over her writing life, and fights a constant battle to put them on the hard drive of her computer before they can disappear as fast as they appeared. Lora’s family, and her writing life co-exist, if not in harmony, in relative peace with each other. Surrounded by a menagerie of pets, friends, and a teenage son who keeps her quick wit engaged, Lora’s life is filled with joys, aided by her fans whose hearts remind her daily why she writes.


“One hand continued to hold her hands overhead, ensuring the deepening sensation of feminine weakness built inside her. That sense of feminine hunger to be sensually dominated, to lay aside the demand for strength, and in this part of her life, to just belong to a man whose inner strength exceeded hers, whose physical strength overwhelmed hers.”
Lora Leigh
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“It was that surrender he needed. That complete feminine submission to every stroke, every caress, ever naughty act. Only in that submission would the subconscious trust, the bond he needed between them, come. He wanted her to trust, to know, to instinctively understand that he was more than just her lover; he was her other half. The one she told her secrets to. The one, she made secrets with.”
Lora Leigh
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“He gave to Paige that last part of himself. The part of a male that became more than a lover, more than a heart mate. He gave her that primitive, possessive core that most men hold back. He gave her his being and he felt the momemt she gave to him. And they became more than just one.”
Lora Leigh
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“He nodded slowly. "We'll do it your way for now, but my time will come."Why that statement sent a jagged pulse of heat racing through her; she wasn't certain. "You've changed," she finally said. "You're harder, Cam. Colder.""I'm still the man who would kill for you," he stated matter-of-factly.Jaci swallowed tightly. He was completely serious. "Fine. I'll make a list for you." She finally shrugged, opting not to believe that declaration. "Give me a few days. It may take awhile to remember every son of a bitch who ever pissed me off. But what will you do when you find your name on the list?”
Lora Leigh
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“...She said we can't save everyone, but we can damned sure as hell fight to save those we love. ... She taught me that we can only do our best. You've done your best. ...not beat yourself up because you missed something or someone. It makes you weak.”
Lora Leigh
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“It's instinct," he said then. "For centuries, it's been our job to protect our home, our women, and our children. We're emotional cowards. We don't talk about our feelings, we're not comfortable putting our soul into words. So we give of ourselves the only way we know how. We protect. We smother those we love in protection, fight for ways to keep them always safe, even from what we deem as a threat from themselves. It's in our genes, Kira. Right or wrong. Emotions are harder for a man to voice, strength is much easier for us to show. It's not an insult, it's the way men show their emotions for those they love. You can't change it.""I can protect myself.”
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“She was his. He would die for her. He would die without her.”
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“When they reached the stairs, he didn’t make her climb them herself. He picked her up in his arms and carried her to the big bathroom off their bedroom. He didn’t speak, his expression didn’t soften. But he was hard. His cock was like a poker, steely and hot against her hip. His eyes blazed with lust.”
Lora Leigh
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“Callan took a deep breath. “I never expected you.” He shook his head with an edge of amusement. “You are a dangerous woman, Merinus Tyler.”“Naw, just a determined woman.” She grinned against his shoulder. “I know a good thing when I see it jacking off.”
Lora Leigh
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“You know how to be a good boy?" Anna widened her eyes in surprise. "Why, Archer, I'm certain I never recognized that quality in you.”
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“Getting a woman's body and getting her heart are two different things. And gaining her trust is another problem entirely.”
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“Maybe I want to be tied down and forced to admit it”
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“He does kiss like a pirate though, I was able to re-affirm that.”
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“He couldn't even find the will to yell at her now. A real man didn't yell at those who weren't exactly sane themselves, he told himself.”
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“Sweetheart, all men are animals. Feed us, pet us, and use a firm hand, and we'll worship at your feet.”
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“Yes, he would be gone, but she knew now what it meant to love. She might not knowwhat it meant to be loved, but loving was almost as good.”
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“Micah knew the power of a look. When two people touched from across a distance, that touch could be frightening, wary, or a stroke of gentleness. He stroked her gently. He never let his eyes dip below her chin; rather, he let himself take in every nuance of expression, every shift of each facial motion, the flicker of her lashes, the shadows in her eyes, the tension in her small body. She was like a bird ready to fly. Poised at the edge of her seat, her body stiff and prepared to run.”
Lora Leigh
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“Oh, now my Erin, she'd smile down on me no matter where I walked." Grandpop smiled that little smile again. "But I'd be separated from her, and I'd feel that separation in my soul, you see?"Nathan shook his head.Grandpop sighed. "You have the Irish eyes, boy. One of these days, you'll see from eyes, not your own, feel with a heart outside your chest. Wild Irish eyes. Nathan. When you love, love well and love true, and take care, lad, because those Irish eyes are windows into not just your own soul, but the soul of the one you love." Grandpop looked out at his Erin's grave."And when you lose that heart, you can't leave the places where your memories are the best. And if I left her, I'd not be buried beside her.”
Lora Leigh
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“She was still and silent against his chest, though he knew that indomitable will of hers was still firmly in place. She was the strongest person he had ever known in his life, and he wanted nothing more than to allow her to be weak.And that was the redneck in him, he knew it was. The man who wanted to protect his woman against any and all threats. To be a partner until danger rolled around. But he had chosen a woman who refused to hide from danger.”
Lora Leigh
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“You amaze me," he said then, reaching out to lay the toy on her pillow. That wasn't where he had gotten it from. "You bring a toy to do a man's job, knowing the man is more than willing to provide the service. Where does that make sense, Chay?”
Lora Leigh
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“Love changes us, Son." Ray rose to his feet, crossing the room slowly to set his empty glass on the bar. "Don't make the same mistake I did, Rowdy. Once it's over that first time, once you've let another man claim what's yours and yours alone, you lose a part of your soul. Getting it back is hell. A hell I hope you never know.”
Lora Leigh
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“He jerked the door open, ignored Leo’s suddenly furious growl and stomped back to the observation room. As he pushed through the door, Leo on his heels, he faced Elizabeth as she turned from something Ely was saying.He gripped her shoulders, bent and kissed her forehead gently. “I’m heading home, Mother. Please get Father off my back and out of my life for a day or so if you don’t mind. I do have family matters to take care of now.”Ignoring her surprise, he turned and stalked past Leo, back to the hall, and out of the small building that served as Sanctuary’s pre-detaining building.Calling Leo “father” didn’t sit well, but he was a Breed, created, not born, trained rather than raised. He wasn’t Jonas. After tonight, he would never call Leo “father” again perhaps, but he wouldn’t deny him any longer.”
Lora Leigh
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“This isn't a game we're playing between ourselves," he continued. "Don't pretend that it is.""Isn't it?" A challenge flared in her eyes, like fire inside the purest emerald. "Don't lie to me, John. Don't pretend it's any more than it really is. It's a job. One we're both determined to complete, nothing more." "Like hell.”
Lora Leigh
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“Hell, he'd (Nathan/Noah) been around Tehya and his uncle enough to know that Jordan was determined to fight whatever he was feeling for Tehya. He'd been feeling it for six damned years now or more, and still, Jordan didn't dare mention the L word. If he acknowledged it, then he might have to admit it actually existed.”
Lora Leigh
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“Don't worry about hurting me, Jordan." She brushed back her hair again as she turned from him and headed for the bedroom. "It was too late for that a long time ago."..."I've heard the lecture," she informed him as she glared back at him. "I've heard you tell your men how love is an illusion, and how they need to watch their backs before that illusion bites him on the ass, so many times it sickens me. Unless you have something original to add to it, then I don't want to hear it again, if you don't mind."..."You're fooling yourself." He had to force the words past his lips. "You're letting lust and pleasure betray you. Tehya. It tricks you. When it fades, all you have left is either friendship or enmity. It's the enmity that worries me, the knowledge of all the little ways you can destroy one another with the knowledge you've gained. I don't want us to go that route. I don't want you to hate me."..."Who ruined you before I ever had a chance at your heart?”
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“Tease?" he groaned. "Ah, baby, I'm not teasing you. I'm giving to you. Giving you every ounce of pleasure I know how to give you."-Jordan(Live Wire) to Tehya (Enigma)”
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“Did you wish upon a star and take the time to try to make your wish come true?Did you try to paint the sunrise and find the gift of life within?Did you write a song just for the joy of it?Or write a poem just to feel the pain?Did you find a reason to ignore the petty injustices, the spoken barbs, or the envies, jealousies and greed that crossed your path?Did you wake up this morning and whisper inside, “Today, I’ll find every reason to smile, and ignore the excuses to frown.”Today will be the day I’ll whisper nothing snide, I’ll say nothing cruel. I’ll be kind to my enemy, I’ll embrace my friends, and for thisone day, I’ll forget the slights of the past.Today will be the day I’ll live for the joy of it, laugh for the fun of it, and today, I’ll love whether it’s returned, forsaken, or simplyignored.And if you did, then your heart has joined the others who have as well, uniting, strengthening, and in a single heartbeat you’ve createda world of hope.”
Lora Leigh
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“Running me off, are you? What about all this ‘me Breed, you mate’ crap you’re always spouting?”
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“You're not the first Elite Ops agent to fall in love and you won't be the last," Ian informed him (Nik). "I've watched four of you fall so far, and I'll be here to watch your commander go down fighting as well. Protecting your woman isn't your problem; it's protecting your heart.”
Lora Leigh
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“He could hope for many things, though he had stopped doing so long ago. If one didn't hope, then disappointment didn't visit. Hoping meant you had somehting to live for, and living for something or someone else was asking for pain. -Nik”
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“Once a man saw heaven in one woman's arms, then nothing else would do. And that scared the shit out of him, the thought that no other woman but Lilly would do. - Travis/Black Jack about Lilly Belle/Night Hawk (Lady Hawk to him)”
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“Don't wake up," he whispered as he felt her shudder against him once more. "Dream with me, Belle. Sweet Belle, just dream with me."-from Travis/Black Jack”
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“I hate Breeds,” she muttered. “Do you know that? You and your sharp, damned noses. Just because I want to doesn’t mean I should. Hell, I want cheesecake but I know better. It goes right to my hips. Does that mean I have to eat it anyway?” He stared back at her in disbelief. “You’re comparing me to cheesecake?” Offended male fury and outrage glittered in his eyes. She huffed, “Well, the same principle applies.”
Lora Leigh
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“If there had been any doubt in her mind that John hadn't placed some emotional claim on her, then it was gone in that second. Pure male possession marked his kiss.”
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“When it came to a man's soul, Noah (Wild Card) thought that maybe his uncle (Jordan, Elite Ops commander) was finally realizing that once a man lost his soul to a woman, it was gone forever. And life wasn't much worth living without her.”
Lora Leigh
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“Oh yeah?" Nathan arched his brows. "What's better the SEALs, Uncle? Hell? Been there, still take trips.” Noah to Jordan”
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“Oh yeah. Baby, so good." He had to release her nipple, had to hold her face in his hands, stare into her eyes. "So damned tight. Sweet. Ride me, sweetheart. Ride me out of hell.” Noah & Sabella”
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“I don't need you to make allowances for anything." Damn her pride. "If you can stand to pay for it, then I can wear it."His brow arched. "Don't let your mouth write checks your body can't cash, sweetheart. Because trust me, I know exactly how to dress a woman for prime impact.”
Lora Leigh
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“It can happen like that. It can build slowly. It can come like a gentle rainfall, or it can slam into you like a tsunami. You are my tsunami, love.”
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“As I wish for you dreams that will soothe your soul, dreams that will whisper of secrets untold. I wish for you dreams that will capture your life, dreams so spectacular and bright you can know no strife. I wish for you my child, a dream as brilliant as sunrise, and warm as it's gentle rays. But most of all precious one, I dream for you, of many peaceful days.”
Lora Leigh
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“Otro hombre toca lo que es mío y lo mato. Lo destrozaría, Ria. Cualquiera que se atreva a intentar hacerte daño, y la locura será la menor de mis debilidades. Me destruirá. Eres mía-Mercury”
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“I love you, Anya,” he said. “You are my soul.”
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“Tu eres mi Compañera, Ria, En Mi alma tu eres mi Compañera~Mercury”
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“Te amaré hasta el siguiente día de para siempre.-John & Sierra”
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“Intentamos hacer un pequeño Natches, ¿recuerdas?”
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“I say, when Mercury arrives, we just pretend we’re not here.” Lawetipped back his whiskey and swallowed in a single drink. “Stay real quiet.Don’t make eye contact.”They all nodded.”
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“Ria snorted. “Leo’s pride rarely leaves the plains. What are theysupposed to mate? The zebras?”
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“Grocery shopping," Kira's gaze raked over him. "Well, honey, one thing about it, I don't think you have to worry about buying beef while you're out. It looks like you have plenty in residence as it is.”
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“My money's on the lady," he drawled. "You don't tame a vixen, you just travel in her wake.”
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“She shuddered, convulsing beneath the whiplash of his tongue as the world dissolved around her.“Now.” He moved before the last violent pulses stilled.He came over her body, catching his weight on his elbows, staring down at her with savage intensity as the bulbous head of his c#ck nudged against the sensitive opening of her pussy.“Now,” he whispered again. “I make you my woman, Elizabeth. Now.”
Lora Leigh
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