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Lord Byron George Gordon

George Gordon Byron (invariably known as Lord Byron), later Noel, 6th Baron Byron of Rochdale FRS was a British poet and a leading figure in Romanticism. Amongst Byron's best-known works are the brief poems She Walks in Beauty, When We Two Parted, and So, we'll go no more a roving, in addition to the narrative poems Childe Harold's Pilgrimage and Don Juan. He is regarded as one of the greatest British poets and remains widely read and influential, both in the English-speaking world and beyond.

Byron's notabilty rests not only on his writings but also on his life, which featured upper-class living, numerous love affairs, debts, and separation. He was notably described by Lady Caroline Lamb as "mad, bad, and dangerous to know". Byron served as a regional leader of Italy's revolutionary organization, the Carbonari, in its struggle against Austria. He later travelled to fight against the Ottoman Empire in the Greek War of Independence, for which Greeks revere him as a national hero. He died from a fever contracted while in Messolonghi in Greece.

“All human history attestsThat happiness for man, - the hungry sinner! -Since Eve ate apples, much depends on dinner.~Lord Byron, Don Juan, Canto XIII, stanza 99”
Lord Byron George Gordon
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“The bright sun was extinguish'd, and the starsDid wander darkling in the eternal space.”
Lord Byron George Gordon
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“A little still she strove, and much repented, And whispering “I will ne'er consent”—consented.”
Lord Byron George Gordon
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“Oh! Many a time and oft had Harold loved, or dream'd he'd loved since Rapture is a dream.”
Lord Byron George Gordon
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