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Loretta Graziano Breuning

Loretta Graziano Breuning, PhD is founder of the Inner Mammal Institute, which helps people find their power over their mammalian brain chemicals. As Professor of Management at California State University, and as a mom, she lost faith in the theory that happiness is our natural default state. By studying animals, she learned that unhappiness is part of our survival system, and happiness is a learned skill. She retired from teaching to build alternatives to the disease-based view of the brain.

Dr. Breuning wrote five books on making peace with your inner mammal, and writes the “Your Neurochemical Self” blog on PsychologyToday.com. She gives tours on mammalian social behavior at the Oakland Zoo, where she trained as a docent. And she marvels every day at the overlap between a wildlife documentary and the lyrics to a country western song.

Loretta spent a year in Africa as a United Nations Volunteer after graduating from Cornell University and Tufts. She lectured worldwide on resisting corruption pressures, based on her book "Grease-less: How the Thrive without Bribes in Developing Countries.”

Dr. Breuning loves to help people discover their power over their mammalian operating system. Many free resources are available at www.InnerMammalInstitute.org.

“Each happy chemical triggers a different good feeling. Dopamine produces the joy of finding what you seek– the “Eureka! I got it!” feeling. Endorphin produces the oblivion that masks pain– often called “euphoria.” Oxytocin produces the feeling of being safe with others– now called “bonding.” And serotonin produces the feeling of being respected by others–“pride.”
Loretta Graziano Breuning
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