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Lori Foster

Since first publishing in January 1996, Lori Foster has become a USA Today, Publisher’s Weekly and New York Times bestselling author. Lori has published through a variety of houses, including Kensington, St. Martin’s, Harlequin, Silhouette, Samhain, and Berkley/Jove. She is currently published with HQN.

Lori hosts a very special annual “Reader & Author” event in West Chester, Ohio. Proceeds from the event have benefited many worthy causes, including the Hamilton County YWCA Battered Women’s Shelter, the Animal Adoption Foundation, The Conductive Learning Center for children with spina bifida and cerebral palsy, and The One Way Farm, Children’s Home.

Each year Lori donates all proceeds from one book to charity. You can see the benefit romance books here: http://lorifoster.com/benefit-books/

Career Highlights

•In 2001, Lori received the prestigious Romantic Times “Career Achievement Award” for Series Romantic Fantasy.

•In 2002, Lori’s book Too Much Temptation was the top-selling romance title for Amazon books.

•In 2003, Say No To Joe was the second “Bestselling Original Contemporary” romance title for Waldenbooks.

•In 2004, Lori Foster was a clue in the New York Times crossword puzzle.

•In 2004, The Secret Life of Bryan was the “Bestselling Original Contemporary” romance title for the BGI group.

•In 2005, Lori received the prestigious Romantic Times “Career Achievement Award” for Contemporary Romance.

•In 2006, Jude’s Law was the “Bestselling Romantic Comedy” romance title for the BGI group.

•In 2007, Lori launched a new “urban fantasy” series under the name L.L. Foster. See more on her “dark side” at www.llfoster.com.

•In 2007, Causing Havoc was among Amazon’s Top Ten Editor’s picks in Romance.

•In 2008, Hard to Handle made #2 on The New York Times.

•In 2009, Servant: The Acceptance was Amazon’s #1 Editors’ Pick in Romance.

•In 2010, Lori was a clue in the USA Today Quick Cross puzzle.

“When Trace simply held her hands out to her sides and looked at her, Priss asked, "Are we going to have sex now?"His mouth twitched, and his gaze warmed, but he sounded dead serious when he said, "Yeah, I think we are.”
Lori Foster
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“I'm telling you now. Without knowing for sure if you sent them, or why, I was left to my own discretion. If you want me to bother you with every little detail that comes up, just say so." He shrugged. "But I was under the impression that you wanted me to handle shit." Murray's face reddened with bluster. "I do, damn it.""They were shit," Trace explained. "They've been handled.”
Lori Foster
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“Trace started on his way again, this time taking the lead. "She's five-four and weighs less than one-twenty. Matt can handle himself.""Says the man with the black eye.”
Lori Foster
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“Back then," he whispered, "I guess I was into masochism, because being there with you, so close when you were so untouchable, was pretty torturous." In the same whisper, Beth asked, "So why did you do it?" "Because not being with you was worse."-Beth and Levi”
Lori Foster
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“The donkey nibbled on his butt. "What the hell!" Leaping a foot, Ozzie jerked around. The donkey was right THERE, not two inches from him, his ears laid back and his big brown eyes soulful. How had the damned thing moved so silently? "He's just being friendly." Marci shared that special smile that felt like a caress. "He likes you." Appalled, Ozzie said, "He likes my ass." And he backed out of the donkey's reach. "I do, too." No, no, no. He wasn't about to touch that one. "It'd help if you'd just be quiet, Marci." Unaffected by his dark mood, she laughed. "Lighten up, Osbourne. It's not my fault, or the donkey's that you have such an irresistible bod."-Osbourne and Marcie”
Lori Foster
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“I figured you for a hooker."Lily blinked at him.Neither of them moved.Even Elvis quit singing..."A hooker?...What a dilemma for you, Detective Ross. Here you are, the quintessential defender against evil--""Knock it off, Lily.""The epitome of all that's good--"Growling, he said, "You're asking for it.""A regular White Knight, and you thought the damsel in distress was a soiled dove."...Taking him by surprise, Lily drew up short, pulled him around, and threw herself into his arms. "You're precious, Parker, you really are."-Lily and Parker”
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“If you'll just settle down and listen, I'll explain." Cautiously, he turned her around so she faced him. Then, before she could protest, he looked at her mouth, appeared drawn there and he started kissing her again, light, teasing kisses. "I swear, Frannie, you have the sexiest mouth." "In about two seconds, I'm going to unman you with my knee." He released her and stepped back so quickly, she almost smiled. "Now, if you insist, you can explain while you help me move my stuff."-Booker and Frannie”
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“You trust him, Trace, and you know it.""With my back," Trace snapped. "Not with my sister.”
Lori Foster
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“Sounding hoarse, Dare whispered, "Tell me what you want."The feel of his broad, strong hand against her left her quaking inside - in a good way. The tremble sounded in her tone as she tried to explain. "I want to be whole again. I want to be me, the person I was before I was taken to Tijuana."Dare said nothing. Molly felt his hesitation, his indecision. God love the man, he didn't want to take advantage of her."I know what I want, Dare." She covered his hand with her own, pressed him closer. "I want to replace the bad memories with new ones. Better ones."His hand curved around her, but he said nothing.Watching his face, Molly whispered, "I want to do that now, with you.”
Lori Foster
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“That's a claim I can put to you, Bishop." Dare knew the slow show of his teeth looked like pure evil. "I have contacts in businesses that you can't even imagine. I have friends in high places, and better friends in low places. No matter what you do or where you crawl away to, I have ways of getting to you. Cross me, and I will obliterate you, Bishop, socially, financially and personally.”
Lori Foster
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“Before she could finish that thought, Dare kissed her on the top of the head. "You're more fragile than you realize, Molly Alexander." He caught her chin, turning her face toward him. "Don't push yourself. I want you - that's not going to change. I can't say I won't kiss you, but how far and how fast we go is up to you.”
Lori Foster
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“Planning to be a seducer was difficult enough. Talking about it with the seducee would be impossible.”
Lori Foster
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“As he gave a sleepy, growling groan, that hand disappeared under the sheet. Arizona's lips parted, and her heartbeat tripped up. She cleared her throat. "Spencer?" Freezing, without moving any other body part, he opened his eyes and met her gaze. She frowned at him. He didn't look super-startled, and he said nothing. He just started at her. With his hand still under there. "Yeah..." Semi-satisfied with his frozen reaction, she nodded at his lap. "You weren't going for a little tug, were you? Because as your spectator, I'd just as soon not see it."-Arizona and Spencer”
Lori Foster
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“And so you were in here, chatting with God?" Bruce stared at her face, studying her features in minute detail. His voice dropped to a soft, velvety whisper. "I wanted to thank Him for my many blessings."The burning of her eyes increased. She would not cry like some ninny just because Bruce was happy. He was a devout and wonderful person who always looked to the bright side. Knowing that prompted her to say, "You're such a good man, Bruce." "I'm a fortunate man, in many, many ways." He made a grand gesture toward the glass blocks. "It's a beautiful, sunny day, and my very own church is almost complete." "It is shaping up. Everyone will like it." His thumb moved to her bottom lip with a teasing, gentle touch. "Good friends surround me, and I enjoy good health." "All things you deserve."He smiled. "And I've been given the greatest gift of all." "What's that?" He laughed, tweaked her chin. "You." "Me?" He slowly nodded. "God's given me a lot. But best of all, He's given me you." He took her mouth in a long, toe-curling, stomach-tightening kiss, and in a husky rumble: "I'll be thinking Him every day for the rest of my life." -Bruce and Cyn”
Lori Foster
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“What the hell do you want, anyway?"'I just want to help you."Yeah, right. And then he'd sell her a bridge. He didn't know her, had no vested intereset in her--unless he hoped to get laid. Ha! Fat chance. He looked like he was poor, driving that old rattrap car and dressed in faded jeans.She clenched her hands into fists. "I'm not screwing you.""I didn't ask you to." And then, with some sort of warped amusement, he added, "I'm not that easy.”
Lori Foster
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“Let me leave you my number. Anything comes up, or if anyone bothers you-""You're bothering me.”
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“She pulled a deck from a drawer and sat across from Tyler. "What would you like to play?" She looked at Tyler."Strip poker?"Carlie started to rise, her mouth drawn in annoyance, but Tyler stopped her. He was laughing. "Okay, okay. Bad jest. Sorry."She nodded grudgingly. "So. What should we play?"With a twinkle in his eyes, he asked innocently, "Old maid?"She threw the cards at him, then sat there glaring."Well, I suppose that decides it." He grinned wryly, a card sitting on top of his head, the rest scattered in his lap and on the floor. "Fifty-two pickup it is."-Carlie and Tyler”
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“Tyler caught her wrist. "You can't walk home now. It's raining.""Believe me, it won't bother me a bit.""Now, Carlie, don't be obstinate.""Tyler, I'm dangerously close to laying you low." She had to get away from him. Now. "Violence? My, my, your cold is making you surly."She tugged, but he didn't release her. "Tyler, what did you intend to do today, before you came here and decided to harass me?""I was going to harass Brenda, but you'll do better.”
Lori Foster
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“Sometimes being a contrary bastard was a real pain.”
Lori Foster
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“I want to make a bet with you.”Her interest perked up. “You do? About what?”Already knowing it wouldn’t go over well, Spencer braced himself. “I bet you can’t go a month without cursing.”Her chin tucked in, and her brows came down. “What does that have to do with anything?”He had no idea, except that it annoying him to hear her be so coarse. “Go a month without cursing.” He hated himself, but he said, “Every time you slip, you owe me a kiss.”
Lori Foster
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“Trace cursed. He actually wanted to hit something, but a tree would break his knuckles, he didn't want to put another dent in the truck, and Dare would hit back.”
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“Don't bitch about the clothes that you try on. Blush all you want--""What makes you think I'll blush?""If you don't, we won't take them.”
Lori Foster
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“When Alani started to speak, Jackson held up a finger. In the past five minutes, he'd had more mood swings than a menopausal woman. First turned-on, then territorial, bored, aggressive and now on alert.”
Lori Foster
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“His back to the room, Jackson said, "I need a Chris." Because Chris was gay, Dare choked and Trace laughed.”
Lori Foster
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“Spencer talked to Trace."Aha! "That--""And Trace told Dare. But no one told me because you swore everyone to secrecy, and I have to tell you, that annoys the hell out of me."-Jackson and Arizona”
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“Manners, boy. I'll beat them into you if I have to.”
Lori Foster
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“She sleeps a lot these days ” Matt explained. “And she’s emotional to boot. If I didn’t love her so much I’d probably strangle her.”“Emotional?” “Yeah.” Matt Vereker a younger, masculine version of Ray, gave an ear-to-ear grin. “Pregnant women are like that, you know.” “Preg—” The bottom dropped out of his stomach. Eli fumbled for the chair behind him then fell into it hard. His head swam. She wasn’t seriously ill. “She’s… ” “If you can’t even say it, how the hell do you think Ray feels.”
Lori Foster
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“Good grief, Molly. He doesn't scare you?""Of course not.""But he's...""He's sweet," Molly insisted.Dare snorted. "He's still listening.”
Lori Foster
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“Joe stepped in front of them, blocking it from their view. "All of you listen to me." Three pairs of eyes locked on his face: hopeful, expectant, still dark with anger and fear. Protectiveness erupted , so strong Joe wanted to shout with it. He drew one breath, then another, but Jesus it didn't help. "You're mine now," he told them, and he knew his voice was hoarse, trembling with furious conviction. He hadn't meant to rush Luna, to spill his guts so soon. He'd meant to give himself time, to give her and the kids time. But he couldn't hold it in. "All of you. I protect what's mine. No one is going to hurt you, and no one is going to run us off. I'll find the son of a bitch, I swear it. And when I do, he'll pay."Luna's eyes, narrowed with rage only a moment ago, now softened with an expression far too close to concern. She gave a reluctant nod and spoke very softly. "All right, Joe." He had an awful suspicion she agreed more to soothe him than because she believed what he said. Willow swallowed, nodded, then gave him a trembling smile. "All right," she said, agreeing with Luna, and she, too, seemed to want to comfort him. Women. Austin launched himself forward, hugging himself around Joe's knees and hanging on tight. Joe almost fell over. He felt as though he'd been stomped on already, his muscles, his mind, his deepest emotions. Hell, he hadn't known he had deep emotions until the kids and Luna had dredged them from a dark, empty place. He wasn't all that steady on his feet, and Austin hit him with the impact of a small tank. But it was more the punch to his heart than the impetus against his legs that threw him off balance.Joe touched the tangled mop of blond hair. "Austin?" Austin squeezed him, then said against Joe's knees, "Okay." He finally tipped up his face to give Joe a crooked, admiring grin. "I sure like it when you're disrespectful." That ridiculous comment lightened Joe's mood, and he laughed. "Rodent.”
Lori Foster
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“Hoping to soothe her, Joe said, "Whatever it is I'll get it. Just tell me." "Tampons." Joe stalled. Tampons. But she was only... well, fourteen. He had no idea when young ladies needed such things. He said, "Uh...' "I know," she all but wailed. "I'm sorry. But there aren't any here, and you're already there." "Yeah, of course." He glanced at Austin. "No problem at all, hon." He swallowed. "Any particular kind?" ... Hell, he could kick ass on felons, play bodyguard and bounty hunter, so surely he could buy a stupid box of tampons.”
Lori Foster
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“Willow appeared ready to choke her brother. "I have a mouth, rodent, so quit speaking for me." Austin turned to Joe. "Rodent is a good insult, too, huh?""Sure, according to how you use it. Your sister says it to you with affection, but if you say it to some bully, then it'd sound hateful enough." Austin chewed that over. "Okay." His brow scrunched up with suspicion. "But I don't think Willow meant it nice, either." "No, I didn't" Willow, Joe and Austin”
Lori Foster
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“Her concerned gaze skimmed over him. "Are you able to move much?"Now we're talking. "The hips work just fine, honey. Course, it'd probably be easier if you did all the-- hey, c'mon now, Luna, I was just teasing." He barely managed to hold in his laugh. "Don't storm away." She pivoted on her heel and stomped back toward him. Joe braced himself, waiting for the blast of her ire. She surprised him by drawing a deep breath, then another. And one more. He sighed. She was such a volatile, passionate woman, which made tweaking her temper fun. He raised a brow. "Got control of yourself?" She gave a sharp nod. The little liar. She wanted to bludgeon him. "Good." He patted the side of the bed next to his hip. "So tell me about this 'needing me' stuff. I'm all ears.”
Lori Foster
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“Joe hid his grin. "A little grab-ass is not accosting." At the worst of times, Luna could amuse him. And now he finally had her where he wanted her. ...Her mesmerizing eyes shone with annoyance and disbelief. "I barely knew you, Joe. I brought you a sandwich, and half a minute later you had your hands all over me." Despite his aches and pains, the memory warmed Joe. Locking onto her gaze, he said in his defense, "You have that kind of bottom, honey. All round and soft." Her color deepened. "Of all the stupid, sexist--" "It's irresistible," Joe insisted, and meant it. "It begs for a man's hands. It--" There looked to be an explosion imminent, so Joe wisely let that go for now and instead distracted her. "And for your information, no. I didn't get beat up by a woman." He snorted. "How absurd is that?" "I dunno." Her body vibrated with tension. "I'm ready to beat you up."-Joe and Luna”
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“We have to figure this out, Jackson, so leash the lust.”His chin went up as he stared down at her. “Woman, you ask the impossible.”“Do it anyway!”
Lori Foster
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“Trace asked Jackson, “Why the hell are you even here?”Jackson looked far too uneasy for Trace’s peace of mind. “I know you didn’t want me here. I got the message loud and clear when you cut the call. Thing is, your little lady was damned insistent that I do something.”“Like get stunned and tied up?”“You try planning with a hellcat breathing fire in your ear, making demands, prodding you-““Priss?”“She’s a terror. That name doesn’t suit her at all.”
Lori Foster
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“Emotion choked her. “Since meeting you you’ve made me feel a lot of things. But not guilt. Not even when I kicked you.”He smiled. “Glad to hear it. So what do you say we go check on your sister? I can almost picture her with her ear to the door.”Through the door, Natalie said. “Damn right. Now bring my sister back out here.”
Lori Foster
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“But love was strange. It distorted your perspective and played havoc with your logic.”
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“He was used to being playful with women, teasing while keeping ultimate control. With Luna, he felt like a berserk marauder. He couldn't even spell control, much less utilize it.”
Lori Foster
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“Un hombre inteligente siempre sabe cuando retirarse a tiempo...pero un hombre aun mas inteligente sabe cuando volver a empezar”
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“His jaw locked. "You don't know shit about me."She put her hands at either side of his face and smiled with too much emotion. "You want to know what I think?"For some reason, tension pulled at him. "Probably some idiotic romanticized nonsense." When her confidence didn't falter, he made a sound of disgust. "All right, go ahead and tell me.""I think you're the one who doesn't know shit about you”
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“She stared up at him and for an instant his expression went soft all over her before he turned away, gritting his teeth.Dean felt her gentle touch everywhere, in places he'd never thought about before.Like his heart.”
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“love means breaking all the rules”
Lori Foster
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“For writers: If you polish a book too much, it'll be flat and shiny and smooth--and not too interesting. It's the little pits and bumps and whatnot that show voice and make a book unique from all the other super shiny flat surfaces”
Lori Foster
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