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Lori McPherson

As one matures in the Christian faith, you get revelation on certain grey areas of life. Many years after writing 'Found' Lori was able to reflect on these and make amendments in the revised and extended edition called, Blindsided:

a candid portrayal of a modern day woman, who was once a New Age connoisseur, who came to the end of herself. Many chapters have come and gone in life, but there was one that refused to close. When her world came crashing down around her, she sought answers. Set a task, she takes up the challenge, leaving no stone unturned. All that was hidden was revealed forcing her to face some hard home truths. Little did she know what she signed up for and it came at a very high price.

**Available at Amazon:


“His love is like an unquenchable fire and He refreshes with living waters. I thirst daily and go to the well to drink and be consumed”
Lori McPherson
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