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Lori Toland

Writing romance since the tender age of 13, Lori Toland somehow finds time to play video games and watch movies while taking care of her cats and husband. I'm also a secret cat.

Visit Lori's web site at http://www.loritoland.com or e-mail her at [email protected].

“My nipples tightened as I breathed in his musky scent mixed with cologne. I didn’t recognize the brand, but it spoke to something inside me. It whispered come closer, and my heart pounded harder.”
Lori Toland
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“It’s all right,” I said, spying what was inside his bag. “Went grocery shopping?”“I picked up a few things,” he said amicably, but then a silence stretched out between us. I got my key out, wanting to say so much more but not knowing where to start. “I see you did too.”Oh my God. I covered up the side of my bag, even though I knew he’d already seen the big yellow rooster with Cocks-A-Lot emblazoned on the side. I really had to have a word with Terry about his packaging.”
Lori Toland
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