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Lorna Landvik

Lorna Landvik is a mother of two and wife of one. She is the author of eight novels, including the best-selling ANGRY HOUSEWIVES EATING BON BONS, PATTY JANE'S HOUSE OF CURL and OH MY STARS. Also an

actor and playwright, Lorna has appeared in many stage productions. She is a new and passionate neophyte to the practice of yoga, which is a fine antidote to her long established practice of lounging.

“We laughed harder than the humor deserved, which goes to show you no matter your age, you're closer to adolescence than you think.”
Lorna Landvik
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“I hate the way bitterness is like a black, bubbling tar pit in me, and I hate the way so many memories of you are in that pit.”
Lorna Landvik
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“Women with minds scare some men. We make them wonder if they're as on top of things as they think they are.”
Lorna Landvik
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“She felt like a bad actress in a play she never wanted to be in.”
Lorna Landvik
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“...in the beginning God created light... to read by.”
Lorna Landvik
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“There are all kinds of stars in God's skies. Some are so bright and twinkly they take your breath away; and others don't shine so brightly but they're still tehre. Thier light's just a little softer, that's all.:”
Lorna Landvik
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“When Wade brought you home, I thought, Now here's a girl with a little fire in her. And where there's fire, there's usually smoke.”
Lorna Landvik
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“Books were her easiest friends. They demanded nothing from her but her attention.”
Lorna Landvik
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“Good posture and an attitude let you get away with anything.”
Lorna Landvik
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“The sun was as flirty as Scarlett O'Hara with the Tarleton twins, breaking through the clouds in spectacular bursts that seemed like personal favors and then retreating for hours, days, and making us all ache for just a glimpse.”
Lorna Landvik
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“A few years back, when I finally got smart enough to go to a therapist, she asked me how I had held things together all these years.It didn't take long to come up with an answer. 'That's easy. I belong to a book club”
Lorna Landvik
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“sometimes life's like a bad waiter and serves you exactly what you don't want. You can cry and scream and order him to take it back, but in the end, you're the one who has to deal with what's finally set before you.”
Lorna Landvik
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“Sister Ignatius taught me in Sunday School that "in the beginning there was light," but to me, it was always an incomplete sentence, which God should have known to ammend: in the beginning God created light...to read by.”
Lorna Landvik
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“What I had come to love about book club (besides the fabulous desserts and free liquor) was how in hearing so many opinions about the same book, your own opinion expanded, as if you'd read the book several times instead of just once.”
Lorna Landvik
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