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L'Poni Baldwin

I am a young poetess and the author of anime-style chapbooks (short print books under 80 pages) like Dragonworld ETC and I am also the author of a super long collection of flash fiction and poetry called Dragons & Cicadas.

The stories take place in a fantastical world full of interesting aliens. I write only short stories and poetry, most range from 1k to 15k words but vary in different genres.

I enjoy taking risks in the world of writing I want Chapbooks to become the "norm" of the publishing world. And to those thinking of sending a request: please, don't send a friend request unless you really want to. I currently cannot respond to messages on this account either. I need to keep my circle small, and right now it is medium.

“To all those whom seek the iron words of the community: if your book is good, it will stand on its own. Be it a short story, a novel, a novella, a chapter book, a poetry book, a chapbook, a manga or a graphic novel...it will seek reviews by itself. You need to do nothing with it. Do nothing but write. Give up review seeking and focus on writing, for that is what becomes you in the end.”
L'Poni Baldwin
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“When he removed his robes, you could see the hundreds of scars and bruises that shamelessly decorated his body. Huge black bruises, long scars that came from sword lacerations and whips and new wounds that bled fresh red blood.The Dragonboy's father had no idea his son suffered. That's because the boy never told.From The Binding, a story from the upcoming tenth update of Dragons and Cicadas”
L'Poni Baldwin
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“He couldn't take his eye off that dragonThere was something odd about the swaying of his tail...he watched his curved and voluptuous reptilian legs move with grace......its stare was docile and...loving...He wanted that creatureHe wanted him all to himselfHe slapped his forehead, "Get ahold of yourself, George. It's a dragon!"He couldn't hold himselfHe followed the dragon-shifter into its caveFrom Lonely George and the Dragon God, a standalone story deriving from the universe built in Dragons and Cicadas.”
L'Poni Baldwin
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“We celebrate, we create, as citizens of Shatter. We hold a bond of unending happiness. This planet, at the edge of the galaxy, is our testament to life.Our dragons, in the sky, came from the stars. They brought many new things to explore.From the Blessings of the Father Dragon, a poem”
L'Poni Baldwin
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