Lucian Dan Teodorovici photo

Lucian Dan Teodorovici

Lucian Dan Teodorovici (b. 1975) is a Romanian writer.

Published volumes:

• Cu puţin înaintea coborîrii extratereştrilor printre noi (Shortly before the Extraterrestrials Descended Among Us), novel, Iaşi: OuTopos, 1999 (2nd revised and expanded edition, Iaşi: Polirom, 2005);

• Lumea văzută printr-o gaură de mărimea unei ţigări marijuana (The World Seen through a Hole the Width of a Spliff), short stories, Tîrgu-Jiu: Constantin Brâncuşi Foundation Press, 2000;

• Circul nostru vă prezintă: (Our Circus Presents, novel, Iaşi: Polirom, 2002 (2nd revised edition, Iaşi: Polirom, 2007);

• Atunci i-am ars două palme (Then I Clouted Him Twice), short stories, Iaşi: Polirom, 2004;

• Celelalte poveşti de dragoste (The Other Love Stories), novel, Iaşi: Polirom, 2009;

• Matei Brunul (Matei the Brown), novel, Iaşi: Polirom, 2011;

• Unu+ unu (+ unu...): niște comedii, theatre, Bucharest: Cartea Românească, 2015;

• Cel care cheamă câinii, novel, Iaşi: Polirom, 2017.


• The collection of short stories Then I Clouted Him Twice has been published in Germany (Pop Verlag, Ludwigsburg, 2009).

• The novel Our Circus Presents... has been published in U.S.A. (Dalkey Archive Press, Urbana-Champaign, 2009), Hungary (Cirkuszunk bemutatja:, L’Harmattan Kiadó, Budapest, 2009), Italy (Aisara Edizioni, Cagliari), Spain (El Nadir, Valencia), and is due to be published in Bulgaria (Paradox Publishing, Sofia) and Egypt (Golden Pony, Cairo).

• The Other Love Stories has been published in Italy (Aisara Edizioni, 2011), and is due to be published in Bulgaria (Paradox Publishing).

• The novel Matei the Brown has been published in France (Gaïa Éditions/Actes Sud, 2013), Poland (Amaltea, 2014), Hungary (Libri Kiadó, 2014), Bulgaria (Paradox Publishing, 2014), and is due to be published in: U.S.A. (Dalkey Archive Press, 2017), Republic of Macedonia (Bata Press, 2018).

Between 2005 and 2008 (7 seasons) he was a scriptwriter for the “Animat Planet Show”, broadcast by the Antena 1 television channel in Romania, and has written screenplays for the feature-length film adaptations of Our Circus Presents..., I’m a Communist Biddy and Lindenfeld, and the short films Chocolates, A Good Day and Goose Chase, which were awarded and financed by the Romanian National Centre of Cinematography.

“Orice marioneta are suflet. Doar ca trebuie sa stii sa i-l descoperi. Se gaseste poate, la fel ca la oameni, in interior.Cu siguranta insa ca unii vor dori sa-i dea un alt nume...”
Lucian Dan Teodorovici
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