USA Today bestseller and award winning Lucy Monroe’s love affair with books and reading began at age 4. She often climbed her mother’s book stacks to pull down the novels on the top shelves. When she was caught reading the Reader’s Digest Condensed Version of “The Godfather” while still in Kindergarten, those books got moved. Although she’s always loved mysteries and suspense as well, romance has been her passion since she snuck that first Harlequin Presents from her oldest sister’s bedside table (again way too early).
Her path to publication was not strewn with rose petals or even pavement! Lucy wrote more than one million words of romantic fiction before selling her 13th manuscript to Harlequin Presents. However, she subsequently sold all the romance manuscripts she’d written prior to that to Harlequin, Kensington and Berkley. She went on to write more books and published with Grand Central and Samhain Publishing as well, before embarking on an exciting journey into indie publishing.
Lucy has hit national bestsellers lists in England and the USA. She’s had more than 80 books published and been translated into numerous languages with her books for sale in dozens of countries. Her highly charged, sensual stories touch on the realities of life while giving the reader a fantasy story not easily forgotten. Lucy’s books transport her readers to a special place where the heart rules and love conquers all.
Known for her emotional depth, snappy dialogue, solid plotting and dry wit, Monroe’s stories have found their way into readers’ hearts and their keeper shelves. Which is exactly where she most wants to be. An author who writes so she can touch readers’ hearts, she’s never happier than when hearing from readers when she’s done so.
“If you don't stop, I'm going to take you right here, in front of God, Jacob, and the seagulls.”
“I know what it feels like not to fit in, but trying to be like everyone around you doesn't work.”
“Actually, no. I may be inexperienced compared to your other women, but I'm not naive, nor am I stupid. It occurred to me this morning. You've known me for two years and never so much as asked me to coffee and then all of a sudden, you want access to my panties.'I like your panties,' he said with a feral grin.Ethan! Be serious.”
“Feel that? I don't walk around with a lead pipe in my jeans, so what do you think that tells you about how much I want you. (Simon Brant)”
“Ethan: "Abstaining definitely doesn't work."Beth: "what do you suggest?"Ethan: "We're obviously going to have to make love often, but keep the encounters from getting too intense." He sounded perfectly serious, like he really believed what he was saying.”
“Beth: "What are you, the Energizer Bunny?”
“Ethan: "You think I'm a hero?"Beth: "Yes."Ethan: "But lousy husband material?" Like that really mattered to him.Beth: "Don't sweat it. So was Superman.”