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Lucy Robinson

The Day We Disappeared is Lucy Robinson's fourth novel, following hot on the heels of the widely-acclaimed The Unfinished Symphony of You and Me - a Book of 2014 for several online and print media publications.

Lucy worked in theatre and then television documentaries before starting a blog for Marie Claire about her laughably unsuccessful foray into the world of online dating. She did not meet a man during this time but she did become a novelist: every cloud has a silver lining. She now lives in Bristol with her partner, The Man, whom she met when she took off to Buenos Aires to become a bohemian writer in 2010. She still works in television when time permits and does a lot of walking and strange healthy cooking, which you can laugh at via her social media channels:

TWITTER: @lucy_robinson


INSTAGRAM: @robinsonwriter


“How do you feel about going on a date with me? I'm abroad for another two weeks; you've got plenty of time to prepare yourself. It will be the best night of your life, of course.”
Lucy Robinson
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“I am back in London in a couple of days and looking forward to Sunday. Here is what we are doing. 1. Going to see my favourite mad transgender folk singer at the Roundhouse. 2. Then I am going to feed you tapas in a little place by Mornington Crescent. 3. Then we will go home in opposite directions and I will stare at my silent phone for weeks, wondering what happened. Or we will go for a dirty hump on Primrose Hill. Or maybe we will just have an awkward kiss/hug loaded with the promise of more next time.  ”
Lucy Robinson
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“Dear FranI'm watching you sleep. You are sucking your thumb. (We're going to need to talk about this.) I can't pretend you look like a delicately slumbering princess, because you don't. Apart from the thumb business you are twitching around like a ferret and about ten minutes ago you pulled the entire duvet over yourself and left me with nothing. But I've never loved you more than I do right now. I love you so much. I hope we can have a life together. There's so much I want to say to you. Please wake up soon.Freddy x”
Lucy Robinson
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“You are the most ludicrous excuse for a man I've ever known - but there isn't a centimetre of you that I don't think is perfect.”
Lucy Robinson
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“Well, he's history. You're free to meet the man of your dreams now.”
Lucy Robinson
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“Whoever you end up with, you shouldn't be changing a thing for them. Nothing. Don't be with anyone if you can't be you. Because you're bang on just as you are. ”
Lucy Robinson
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“Anger had arrived and it was riding a big furious don't-fuck-with-me horse.”
Lucy Robinson
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“I want you to be with someone who really, really loves you. A wild love! A crazy love! I want yours to be the greatest love story of all time!”
Lucy Robinson
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“Well then that's our date confirmed. I am excited! Most girls want to know if I have long term plans to start a family; you want to know if I like 80s rap. I think I'm in love with you. Actually, I'm not you have a foul mouth and terrible taste in men by all accounts.”
Lucy Robinson
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“I'm eating a massive pastrami sandwich. It's so beautiful I might cry. Just so you know.”
Lucy Robinson
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“I was going to write a sharp witty email full of devastating one-liners but I suspect you want something nicer than that”
Lucy Robinson
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“He was what the egotistical part of me had always longed for: danger, sexiness, popularity, style, unpredictability. The kind of man who'd always keep me guessing. Just one night with him and i'd already started to wonder if perhaps i'd spent the last two years in a comfortable coma.”
Lucy Robinson
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“It was the sexual chemistry I wanted more of. It was electric. I'd forgotten what it was like to be with someone who excited you in every sense of the word, who thrilled and frightened you in equal measure.”
Lucy Robinson
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“Having a man this good looking begging me for sex was the best therapy I could ask for.”
Lucy Robinson
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“Do you have any idea how attractive you are?Well, I'm better than roseanne Barr, I suppose.”
Lucy Robinson
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“He was nice. And he was hot. And he didn't seem to mind that I was borderline mental.”
Lucy Robinson
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“I'd woken up this morning and nearly crapped my pants with fear. Whoever invented Internet dating deserved to be strung up: it was a terrible idea.”
Lucy Robinson
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“I was at Gatwick and I was a mess: breathlessly excited, horribly nervous and hoping, praying, that this might be it. That the man who was belted up preparing for touchdown would be the man I would spend the next sixty years picking up from airports, missing him, loving him, feeding him and, all things going well, having a fair bit of sex with him.”
Lucy Robinson
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“I didn't know his age or how he liked his tea, I was wearing a terrible coat and I was drunk as a stoat - but this moment felt like it. The one I'd been waiting patiently for since I was a little girl. I'd worked so hard, for so long, at being ok with being single, but all of the things I'd told myself about independence were disappearing rapidly into the cold night. Right now, he felt like the only person who mattered in the whole world.”
Lucy Robinson
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“He walked towards me. My heart was pounding like a nineties warehouse rave.”
Lucy Robinson
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“I wondered if perhaps I'd gone mad. I had known this man less than twenty-four hours and already I wanted to raise his children.”
Lucy Robinson
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