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Lucy V. Morgan

“I don't know whether you're the drug or the rehab. Do you know that? But we...we could save the world from each other.”
Lucy V. Morgan
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“Most people would say that Joseph treated me like a whore. It was only without him that I actually felt like one.”
Lucy V. Morgan
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“Women rule each other. They say that behind every great man there's a great woman, and that may well be right, but behind that woman is a not-so-great one, bawling her eyes out. She's not crying because she didn't meet the man's standards; she's crying because the other woman made them too high”
Lucy V. Morgan
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“Most girls have a recipe for disaster, but few of them actually find all the ingredients and bake them at the right temperature. If they did, they'd learn to measure more accurately and that they ought to clean up their mess as they go along.”
Lucy V. Morgan
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“Where you moonlight you will find wolves, and your world will burn beneath them.”
Lucy V. Morgan
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“Leila. Schoolgirls are like sports cars. They're nice to look at, but they're impractical. In the end, they don't do what you need them to do."I had to stifle my smile, he looked so serious. Then I stole a glance back at the lithe-limbed shadows beneath the tress. "Is that so?""It's true. They won't let you take them up the arse. They're rubbish at sucking you. You want to ride them at a hundred miles a hour, but you end up doing forty in the sixty zone because you're too fucking scared of damaging them.”
Lucy V. Morgan
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