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Luke Alistar

Luke Alistar is a freelance author, humorist, novelist, composer, pianist, guitarist, mandolin player, blogger, amateur actor, carpenter, and much more. He currently has five books available for sale, and just put together a band with their debut album in the plans for 2012.

Luke has been published in the Writer's Digest magazine, and his novella Offset placed as a finalist in the 2010 One Year Adventure Novel Contest. His thriller Snapshots then took first place in the 2011 contest, winning him a college scholarship and other goodies. He writes regularly for Kingdom Pen, an e-magazine for young Christian writers, and is a member of the Northwest Independent Writer’s Association.

Luke’s blog, running since February 2010, has gathered a strong readership; he updates it regularly and posts a wide variety of fiction, nonfiction, poems, songs, essays, book reviews, and articles on many different subjects. Go to to take a look.

“The Circle... Ted Dekker is my inspiration, my favorite author, and my hero, so it should come as no surprise that my writing is consistently compared to his. What if I told you that the reason I picked up his books is because my writing was compared to his?”
Luke Alistar
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“The power of words is the power of change. Like a flood in the desert a great story surges into our lives and upsets what we thought we knew. It washes away the dust in our hearts and reveals something buried—showing us things we might never have known and challenging our naïve comfort. It takes us away to a new place and when we return home our world looks forever different.”
Luke Alistar
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“Eloquence, like maturity, is a thing only developed through experience. Anyone can use words and use them well; only those devoted to learning can use words in the sharp and pure style that distinguishes a master in his craft.”
Luke Alistar
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“The world is a beautiful place, unless you close your eyes. Then it's easy to assume it's all black.”
Luke Alistar
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“A person who is young at heart and brimming with enthusiasm brings a fresh summer breeze with them to every hell-hole they visit.”
Luke Alistar
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“I read books like I read people. I look past the imperfections and at the heart behind them.”
Luke Alistar
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“Even the smallest person may cast a large shadow, if they stand very close to the light.”
Luke Alistar
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“I am me. There is only one person in the world like me, and that's me. If you meet another me, he's an imposter.”
Luke Alistar
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“You should ask more questions; it is good for the mind and soul. Questions are doors in the castle of knowledge. Treasure lies behind some, others obscure danger, and behind others lie the various pleasures of life. Every one will earn you knowledge if you are dauntless enough to open them.”
Luke Alistar
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