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Luther Blissett

Luther Blissett is a "multiple name" adopted by many people all over the world since the mid-1990s, as part of a transnational activist project. This practice started in Italy when a vast network of cultural workers "borrowed" the name of a Jamaica born soccer player active in England and in Italy in the previous decade. Later on, the name was used as a collective pen name by a group of four Italian writers: Roberto Bui, Giovanni Cattabriga, Federico Guglielmi and Luca Di Meo, authors of the novel "Q". Since January 2000, however, they have been writing under another collective pen name

Wu Ming

(aka "Wu Ming Foundation").

“...having already understood everything that you will understand henceforward and until the end of your days." -Q”
Luther Blissett
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“Margharete von Osnabrück […] ha sputato in faccia ai predicatori e pisciato in testa a quelli che andavano a prenderla. Sapeva quello che l’aspettava, ma non ha voluto tacere. Ha urlato a tutta la città, mentre la trascinavano via, che le donne di Münster non hanno combattuto al fianco dei loro uomini per diventare volgari concubine. […]è morta uccidendoli con le parole. L’hanno seguita in tante, hanno preferito morire insultando i tiranni piuttosto che accettare le loro leggi.”
Luther Blissett
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