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Lynette White

Lynette is a native of central Montana. After graduating from the Tracy Hickman writing course 'Scribe's Forge' Lynette began the transition toward Professional Author. Her passion for life is reflected in her short stories and novels.

Lynette joined an active group of writers who share their talent in a series of short story anthologies. Those works are available here at Amazon and also Barnes and Noble. Lynette's debut novel The Enemy Within, a dark fantasy is now available here on Amazon in paperback and e book.

“I control my fateAs I stand on the edge of the cliff of destiny and tears filled with my dreams shatter below on the rocks of fate I slowly lift my head and look out over the sea of hope to behold a sunrise. As I wipe away the the tears I realize as long as I have one more sunrise I have hope to fulfill the dreams dictating my destiny and I control my fate.”
Lynette White
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