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Lynn Breedlove

“I learned in high school, if I hold up an effigy, a mask, or a lie, that mask will get all the love, not me.”
Lynn Breedlove
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“I thank her for starting that rumor in my brain that I was lovable. I thank her for her one-woman cult of blood, cum, spit, and razors that called me exquisite and shunned all the winners, cheerleaders, cops, and clear-skinned Hollywood movie stars.”
Lynn Breedlove
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“You and me,” she says, “we're two sides of the same coin. Gender's a box you turn inside out, tear up, and sew a gown out of.” She says most people are bored and hateful because they can't fuck with the box. They think prison's protection. They take what they're served and think they like it, but deep down they want to be something else, and they'll kill anyone sewing gowns they're afraid to wear.”
Lynn Breedlove
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“Cool isn't for sale at the bondage store. You make it up yourself, pull it outta your asshole, your own unique brand that starts when you're born, and when you die, it's gone.”
Lynn Breedlove
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